Novena to St. John the Baptist : Patron of Baptism, Monks - Powerful Prayers to the Cousin of Jesus


Saint John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus. He is the patron of baptism and monks. A novena is a powerful prayer said over 9 days. It can be said anytime during the year.
Novena Prayer
O Holy St. John, from all eternity you were chosen
To prepare the way for Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We implore your intercession for ...,

 For all of our members in their work
And for all those we serve.
Pray for us that we may receive the courage and strength
To persevere in announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ,
Who came to seek and save the lost,
To heal the broken hearted and to bind up their wounds.
May we be guided by the Holy Spirit
With good words of counsel for those in need.
May we be strengthened by your prayers
And good example as we prepare the way for the
Healing power of Jesus to heal and transform
Those entrusted to our care.
We ask all of this through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.
St. John the Baptist, pray for us!
