Pope Francis' Historic Consistory Gathers the World's Cardinals at the Vatican to Discuss Curia Reform

Nearly 200 cardinals, from the College's 226, are participating on Monday and Tuesday (29-30 August) in private meetings with Pope Francis. They are reflecting on the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium, the document reflecting the Pope's reform of the Roman Curia.
This historic event will probably be the Pope's largest and most attended meeting with the College of Cardinals.
In almost ten years of his pontificate. Never has such a meeting been held, and with such a wide attendance.
The Cardinals, together with Eastern Patriarchs and Superiors of the Secretariat of State, will participate in the meetings held at the new Synod New Hall during three morning and afternoon working sessions, with a break for lunch.
The two days of meeting will end on Tuesday, 30 August, at 5:30 p.m. with a papal Mass in St. Peter's Basilica with the new Cardinals. Participants say they received an agenda in recent weeks listing themes and questions on various aspects related to the Document. They are discussing them in language groups, and then will have moments of general discussion at the plenary sessions in the Hall.Today and tomorrow, nearly 200 cardinals from all over the world will spend two days together, in the 🇻🇦 Vatican Aula Paolo VI, for the first time in 8 years, contemplating and discussing.
— Eduard Habsburg (@EduardHabsburg) August 29, 2022
Say a prayer of them and Pope Francis. pic.twitter.com/zUyGsYVOaF
Pope Francis announced the consistory during the Angelus on the 29th of May, 2021. He also announced the names of the new Cardinals, on the same day. The changes to the Apostolic Constitution, were promulgated on the 19th of March, with nearly decade-long work involved. The document went into effect on the 5th of June, the Solemnity of Pentecost. The text features and formalizes many of the reforms already implemented by the Pope in recent years, studied and formulated by the Council of Cardinals that the Pope instituted at the start of his pontificate.
The Constitution also introduces various changes, beginning with the merging and renaming of several Dicasteries.
Praedicate Evangelium - as the name itself suggests - gives a more missionary structure to the Curia, so that it is increasingly at the service of the local Churches and evangelization efforts.
Missionary dimension
One of the main characteristics of the Apostolic Constitution is its missionary dimension, a key to the reform and global direction for the Church of our times.
Although specifying the changes in the structure of Dicasteries and offices, Praedicate Evangelium 'broadens' in effect the boundaries of the Curia by creating a direct link with the Episcopal Conferences and the various Dioceses of the five continents.
"With the Constitution, there is now a space for listening and dialogue between the various churches and the Curia," newly appointed Cardinal Leonardo Steiner, Archbishop of Manaus (located in Brazil's Amazon), explained to Vatican News, when interviewed at the Holy See Press Office on Saturday just before the Consistory started.
Voices of the new cardinals
Newly-created Cardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship, underscores that there are many issues to reflect upon: collaboration between the Curia and episcopates, the presence of the laity in roles of responsibility, "missionary outreach" and "conversion of the Church."
Particularly the latter two "are very important elements," the English cardinal said. "Praedicate Evangelium is not just something for the reform of the Curia, it is also regards the relationship between all the Bishops' Conferences and the Holy See. Mission and conversion involve everyone in an almost synodal process. We could say we are a Church on pilgrimage."
The meetings over these two days will also offer a way for the members of the College of Cardinals to deepen their knowledge and understanding of one another. A universal vision has always distinguished Pope Francis' choices for a Consistory as seen with the representation of countries that never in their history had a Cardinal: from Tonga to Brunei, from Mongolia to Haiti, from Bangladesh to Laos to Lesotho.
The College is now composed of members who are very diverse both in terms of cultural background, pastoral sensitivity, and geographical locations that make it difficult for them to attend meetings in Rome on a regular basis or simply participate.
Edited from Vatican News