After the Angelus Pope Francis Opens the Holy Door in Aquila Accompanying the Celestinian Pardon - the 1st Pope in Over 700 Years to Open the Holy Door
The celebration was established by Pope Celestine V in 1294 with the issue of Papal Bull "Inter sanctorum solemnia", also known as the Bolla del Perdono (Bull of Forgiveness), in which he granted a plenary indulgence to anyone who, confessed and communicated, visited the basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio from the Vespers of August 28 to those of 29 August.
Before the opening of the Holy Door, Pope Francis offered the following prayer: “Holy Father, God of our Fathers, God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, rich in mercy and great in love who grants to the Church this time of penance and forgiveness so that she might have the joy of being interiorly renewed by the work of the Holy Spirit, and of always walking forward on your way, while remaining a sign of salvation and redemption in the midst of the world, deign to respond to our hopes: open completely to us the doors of your mercy, so that one day the doors of your heavenly dwelling may be open to us where Jesus your Son, and the first among the human race has preceded us that we might all together sing to you forever. Grant, we pray, that all those who cross this threshold with renewed commitment and firm faith might obtain salvation which comes forth from you and leads us to you.”
Forecourt of the Basilica of Saint Mary in Collemaggio
Sunday, 28 August 2022
Dear brothers and sisters!
At the end of this celebration, we turn to the Virgin Mary with the Angelus prayer.
Before, however, I would like to greet all of you who have participated, including all those who had to do so from a distance, at home, or in hospital, or in prison. I thank the civil authorities for their presence and for the effort put into organizing this. I cordially thank the Cardinal Archbishop and the other Bishops, priests, consecrated men and women, families, the choir and all the volunteers, as well as law enforcement and security forces.
In this place that suffered a harsh calamity, I want to assure the people of Pakistan, hit by floods of disastrous proportions, of my nearness. I pray for the numerous victims, for the wounded and those forced from their homes, and that international solidarity might be prompt and generous.
And now let us invoke Our Lady so that, as I said at the end of my homily, she might obtain pardon and peace for the entire world. Let us pray for the people of Ukraine and for all those who suffer because of war. May the God of peace revive a human and Christian sense of pity and mercy in the hearts of the leaders of nations. Mary, Mother of Mercy and Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Sources: Vatican News and