Easy Novena to St Anne and St. Joachim, Parents of Mary and Grandparents of Jesus - #Prayers to Share!

Saints Anne and Saint Joachim were the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus. Their Feast Day is July 26th. A Novena is a powerful prayer said over 9 days and can be said anytime during the year. Choose from 2 Novenas below one to St. Anne and the 2nd to both St. Anne and Joachim:
Novena: Say once a day for 9 days- Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory Be each day of the Novena:
O glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take under thy special protection the present affair which I commend to thee.
{Mention your intentions here)
Be pleased to commend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy outcome. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face, and, with thee and Mary and all the Saints, of praising and blessing Him for all eternity. Amen.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Anne, pray for us. Jesus, Mary, Anne.
O glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take under thy special protection the present affair which I commend to thee.
{Mention your intentions here)
Be pleased to commend it to thy daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy outcome. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face, and, with thee and Mary and all the Saints, of praising and blessing Him for all eternity. Amen.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request.
Good St. Anne, pray for us. Jesus, Mary, Anne.
Another Novena Prayer to St. Anne & St. Joachim
Great and glorious patriarch, St Joachim, and good St. Anne, what joy is mine when I consider that you were chosen among all God’s holy ones to assist in the fulfillment of the mysteries of God, and to enrich our earth with the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. By this singular privilege, you have become most powerful with both the Mother and her Son, so as to be able to obtain for us the graces that are needful to us.
With great confidence I have recourse to your mighty protection, and I commend to you all my needs, both spiritual and temporal, and those of my family. Especially do I entrust to your keeping the particular favor that I desire and look for from your intercession. (Mention your petition.)
And since you were a perfect pattern of the interior life, obtain for me the grace to pray earnestly, and never to set my heart on the passing goods of this life. Give me a lively and enduring love for Jesus and Mary. Obtain for me also a sincere devotion and obedience to Holy Church and the sovereign pontiff who rules over her, in order that I may live and die in faith and hope and perfect charity. Let me ever invoke the holy Names of Jesus and Mary. And may I thus be saved. Amen.
Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be each day of the Novena.
Source: saintadelaide.com