Wow Millions in Poland Celebrate Corpus Christi with Traditional Processions Since 1320 that were Banned under Communism
Millions of people in Poland, on Thursday, June 16rd, 2022, celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi or the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus. It is celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. This Solemnity is now assigned to the nearest Sunday in many countries. Following Polish tradition, colourful processions were held around the country.
Po Eucharystii wyruszyła procesja do czterech ołtarzy, usytuowanych na trasie znanej już łodzianom z procesji odbywającej się w Święto Eucharystii (ul. Żeromskiego – Al. Mickiewicza – ul. Piotrkowska). @EpiskopatNews #BozeCialo
— Archidiecezja Łódzka (@ArchLodz) June 16, 2022
#BożeCiało w Gnieźnie. Obchodom przewodniczył bp Radosław Orchowicz >>> zdjęcia
— Arch gnieźnieńska (@prymasowska) June 16, 2022
Many Poles participating in the procession wear colorful folk costumes associated with a specific region of Poland. Men carry flags and banners depicting patron saints, while women carry standards with religious motifs on either side, all adorned with flowers. Girls spread colorful petals in front of the priest, who carries a monstrance, and boys ring bells to announce the approach of the Eucharistic Lord. The events are attended by orchestras and folk music groups. After the processions are over, participants take home the flowers and birch branches from the altars as a sign of God's blessing. Farmers throw the branches on their fields to get a good harvest.Ulicami Lublina przeszła procesja Bożego Ciała. Przy ołtarzach duchowieństwo i wierni modlili się o powołania kapłańskie, o pokój w Ukrainie, za rodziny i o jedność w Chrystusowym Kościele. Procesję poprowadzili @StanislawBudzik, bp Artur Miziński i bp Adam Bab. @ArchLubelska
— Niedziela Lubelska (@NLubelska) June 16, 2022