London 2022 International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief
To strengthen international efforts to ensure freedom of religion or belief, the UK government will host an International Ministerial Conference in central London on 5 and 6 July.
International collaboration
Promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) is one of the UK’s long-standing human rights priorities. The UK government remains deeply concerned about the severity and scale of violations and abuses of FoRB in many parts of the world. Persecuting people, or discriminating against them, because of their religion or belief is often closely linked to other foreign and development policy challenges.
To strengthen international efforts to ensure freedom of religion or belief the UK government will host an International Ministerial Conference in central London on 5 and 6 July. As announced in November 2021, it will bring together international governments, parliamentarians, faith and belief representatives and civil society. It will urge increased global action on freedom of religion or belief for all, under the themes of:
- preventing violations and abuses
- protecting and promoting freedom of religion or belief
It will be the first in-person International Ministerial Conference on this issue since 2019. The event will build on the previous Ministerial-level conferences held by the United States in 2018 and 2019, and in virtual format by Poland in 2020.
In 2021 during the UK’s Presidency of the G7 the UK secured inclusion of FoRB concerns in a G7 communique for the first time.
This 2022 conference is another important step forward in ensuring that everyone is able to enjoy the right of freedom of religion or belief. As well as discussing challenges, the conference will:
- identify what is working in different countries
- explore where and how we can apply new lessons and approaches
- inspire the next generation to champion and defend freedom of religion or belief across the world
International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance
The Conference will also bring together members of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA). This year the UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Fiona Bruce MP is chairing the IRFBA.
The Alliance brings together like-minded countries to agree co-ordinated actions to promote FoRB and protect people worldwide who are persecuted or discriminated against on account of their religion or belief. Members commit to advance Article 18 of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights, which states that ‘everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion’.
Founded in 2020, the Alliance has grown from 27 to 36 member countries.
Fringe events
Whilst you can only attend the ministerial conference if you have been invited, a series of civil society events will enable more people to get involved in discussions about freedom of religion or belief.
The conference fringe events are being coordinated by the UK Freedom of Religion or Belief Forum. This group of over 70 civil society groups, faith or belief organisations and human rights Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) is committed to advancing the common cause of freedom of religion or belief worldwide.
The UK Freedom of Religion or Belief Forum website provides further information on the Fringe, including details of events.
Aim of the conference
An inclusive conference that promotes freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) globally, driving forward international efforts to defend FoRB for all.
The conference has 5 objectives:
- raise awareness of:
- the current challenges to FoRB across the world
- the relevance of FoRB to other human rights
- best practice in preventing violations and abuses and protecting and promoting FoRB
- use UK leadership and experience in addressing human rights issues and our convening power to improve FoRB for all
- galvanise partner countries and stakeholders to work more closely together to promote and protect FoRB, including by working together to address FoRB violations and abuses
- encourage collective action by governments, human rights experts, civil society, academia and faith and belief actors to address FoRB challenges, exchange best practice, and build shared commitments
- to strengthen the voices of and build the capacity of defenders of FoRB, including religion and belief groups, inspiring future leaders and young people, and building and reinforcing global coalitions for collective action4
- Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/international-ministerial-conference-on-freedom-of-religion-or-belief-london-2022-aims-and-objectives/international-ministerial-conference-on-freedom-of-religion-or-belief-london-2022-aims-and-objectives
Find out more conference homepage.