Pope Francis says "This life is precious in God’s eyes – it identifies us as beings who are loved tenderly by God. This “birth from above” that allows us to “enter” the kingdom..." FULL TEXT


St Peter's Square - Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Catechesis on Old Age: 13. Nicodemus. “How can a man be born when he is old?” (Jn 3:4)

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Among the most relevant elderly characters in the Gospels is Nicodemus – one of the Jewish leaders – who, wanting to know Jesus, went to him at night, although in secret (cf. Jn 3:1-21). In the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, the core of Jesus’s revelation and his redemptive mission emerge when he says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (v. 16).

Jesus says to Nicodemus that to “see the kingdom of God”, one needs “to be born again from above” (cf. v. 3).


 This does not mean starting over from birth, of repeating our coming into the world, hoping that a new reincarnation will open up the chance of having a better life. Repeating that makes no sense. It would, rather, empty all meaning out of the life we have lived, erasing it as if it were a failed experiment, a value that has expired, a wasted void. No, that’s not what this is, this being born again that Jesus speaks of. It is something else. This life is precious in God’s eyes – it identifies us as beings who are loved tenderly by God. This “birth from above” that allows us to “enter” the kingdom of God is a generation in the Spirit, a passage through the waters toward the promised land of a creation reconciled with the love of God. It is a rebirth from above with the grace of God. It is not being reborn physically another time.

Nicodemus misunderstands this birth and calls it into question using old age as evidence of its impossibility: human beings inevitably get old, the dream of an eternal youth permanently retreats, culmination is the destiny of any birth in time. How can anyone imagine a destination that takes the form of birth? This is how Nicodemus thinks and he cannot find a way to understand Jesus’s words. What exactly is this rebirth?

Nicodemus’s objection is very instructive for us. We can, in fact, turn it upside down, in the light of Jesus’s word, with the discovery of a mission proper to old age. Indeed, being old is not only not an obstacle to the being born from above that Jesus speaks of, but it becomes the opportune time to illuminate it, disassociating it from being equated with lost hope. Our epoch and our culture, which demonstrates a worrisome tendency to consider the birth of a child as the simple matter of the production and biological reproduction of the human being, cultivate the myth of eternal youth as the desperate obsession with an incorruptible body. Why is old age not appreciated in so many ways? Because it bears the undeniable evidence of the end of this myth, that makes us want to return to our mother’s womb always to return with a young body.

Technology is fascinated by this myth in every way. While awaiting the defeat of death, we can keep the body alive with medicine and cosmetics which slow down, hide, erase old age. Naturally, well-being is one thing, the myth that feeds it is another. There is no denying, however, that the confusion between the two is creating a certain mental confusion in us. To confuse well-being with feeding the myth of eternal youth. Everything is done to always have this youth – so much make-up, so many surgical interventions to appear young. The words of a wise Italian actress, [Anna] Magnani, come to mind, when they told her she had to remove her wrinkles and she said, “No, don’t touch them! It took so many years to have them – don’t touch them!” This is what wrinkles are: a sign of experience, a sign of life, a sign of maturity, a sign of having made a journey. Do not touch them to become young, that your face might look young. What matters is the entire personality; it’s the heart that matters, and the heart remains with the youth of good wine – the more it ages the better it is.

Life in our mortal flesh is a beautiful “unfinished” reality, like certain works of art that exert a unique fascination precisely due to their incompleteness. For life down here is an “initiation”, not the fulfillment. We come into the world just like this, like real people, like people who advance in age but who are always real. But life in our mortal flesh is too small a space and time to keep it intact and to bring to fulfillment in the world’s time the most precious part of our existence. Jesus says that faith, that welcomes the evangelical proclamation of the kingdom of God to which we are destined, contains an extraordinary primary effect. It enables us to “see” the kingdom of God. We become capable of truly seeing the many signs of the approximation of our hope of the fulfillment, of that which bears in our life the sign of being destined for eternity in God.

The signs are those of evangelical love illuminated by Jesus in many ways. And if we can “see” them, we can also “enter” into the kingdom through the passage of the Spirit through the waters that regenerate.

Old age is the condition granted to many of us in which the miracle of this birth from above can be intimately assimilated and rendered credible for the human community. It does not communicate a nostalgia for a birth in time, but of a love for our final destination. In this perspective, old age has a unique beauty – we are journeying toward the Eternal. No one can re-enter their mother’s womb, not even using its technological and consumeristic substitute. This is not wisdom; this is not a journey that has been accomplished; this is artificial. That would be sad, even if it were possible. The elderly person moves ahead; the elderly person journeys toward the final destination, towards God’s heaven; the elderly person journeys with the wisdom of lived experience. Old age, therefore, is a special time of disassociating the future from the technocratic illusion of a biological and robotic survival, especially because it opens one to the tenderness of the creative and generative womb of God. I would like to emphasize this word here – the tenderness of the elderly. Watch how a grandfather or a grandmother look at their grandchildren, how they embrace their grandchildren – that tenderness, free of any human distress, that has conquered the trials of life and is able to give love freely, the loving nearness of one person to others. This tenderness opens the door toward understanding God’s tenderness. This is what God is like, he knows how to embrace. And old age helps us understand this aspect of God who is tenderness. Old age is the special time of disassociating the future from the technocratic illusion, it is the time of God’s tenderness that creates, creates a path for all of us.

May the Spirit grant us the re-opening of this spiritual – and cultural – mission of old age that reconciles us with the birth from above. When we think of old age like this, we can say – why has this throw-away culture decided to throw out the elderly, considering them useless? The elderly are the messengers of the future, the elderly are the messengers of tenderness, the elderly are the messengers of the wisdom of lived experience. Let us move forward and watch the elderly.


I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular, I greet the Chapter Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Carmel, encouraging them to always walk with joy in the ways of the Lord. I am also pleased to welcome the faithful of the parish of Jesus Christ the Savior, of Praia a Mare and I hope that the 25th anniversary of the parish's foundation will be an incentive to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.
I also greet the Federation of Orders of Nursing Professions and the Blood Volunteers Association of Acireale, expressing my appreciation for their solidarity activities. A greeting also goes to the athletes on the pilgrimage on foot from Macerata to Loreto, with the torch of peace which is meant to be both a sign and an invitation to fraternity between individuals and peoples.
Finally, as usual, my thoughts go to the elderly, the sick, the young and the newlyweds. Next Sunday we will celebrate the solemnity of the Holy Trinity. I urge everyone to find in the awareness of the presence of the Trinity in our life, thanks to Baptism, the support to carry out the will of the Lord in every circumstance.
I bless you from my heart.
Special Greetings:
I cordially greet the French-speaking pilgrims present at this hearing, especially the pilgrims from France and La Réunion, Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon. That following Nicodemus, the Holy Spirit grants us the rediscovery of this spiritual mission of old age that reconciles us with “the birth from above”. May the Holy Comforter comfort you!
[I cordially greet the French-speaking faithful present at this hearing, especially the pilgrims from France and La Reunion, Ivory Coast and Gabon. Following the example of Nicodemus, the Holy Spirit makes us rediscover this spiritual mission of old age that reconciles us to "being born from above." The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, bless you all!]
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially those from England, the Philippines and the United States of America. I offer a special greeting to the many student groups present. Upon you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!
[I greet the English-speaking pilgrims present at today's hearing, especially those from England, the Philippines, and the United States. I extend a special greeting to the many groups of young students present here. On you and on your families I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord bless you!]
Herzlich grüße ich die Pilger deutscher Sprache, besonders die Priesteramtskandidaten des Wilhelmsstifts in Tübingen, die Alumnen des Felixianums in Trier und die Ministranten aus der Diözese Eichstätt. Durch den Herrn Jesus sind wir geliebte Kinder Gottes. Der Heilige Geist mache uns zu Boten der Freude und Zeugen seiner Liebe!
[Greetings to the German-speaking pilgrims, in particular to the pupils of the Wilhelmsstift in Tübingen, and the Felixianum of Trier, as well as to the ministers of the Diocese of Eichstätt. In the Lord Jesus we are God's beloved children. May the Holy Spirit help us to be messengers of joy and witnesses of his charity!]
I cordially greet the Spanish-speaking pilgrims. I invite you to reread Jesus' dialogue with Nicodemus and to ask yourself how we are living the call to be "born again." Let us ask the Lord for the Holy Spirit to make us transmitters of love and hope for those around us. God bless them. Thank you very much.
I cordially greet the Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, in particular the members of the National Center of Culture of Portugal and the “Evangelizar é preciso” Association of Curitiba, Brazil. Brothers and sisters, may the Holy Spirit help us to understand old age as a period in which — abandoned to the myth of eternal youth — we learn what it means to be born from on high, and we are reconciled to our eternal destiny. God bless you!
[I cordially greet Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, especially members of the Centro Nacional de Cultura of Portugal and the Evangelizar é Preciso Association in Curitiba, Brazil. Brothers and sisters, may the Holy Spirit help us to understand old age as a time when we have abandoned the myth of eternal youth — learning what it means to be born from above, and being reconciled to our eternal destiny. God bless you!]
حَيِّي المؤمِنينَ الناطِقينَ باللغَةِ العربِيَّة. الشَّيخُوخَةُ هيَ بنَوعٍ خاص زَمَنُ نِعمَة، حيثُ يُجدِّدُ الرَّبُّ يسوع فيه دعوَتَهُ لِلمُتَقَدِّمينَ في السِّنّ، لِيُحافِظُوا على إيمانِهِم وَيَنقُلُوه، ويُرشِدُوا بِحِكمَتِهِم عالَمَ اليومِ الَّذي يُواجِهُ صِعابًا كثيرة، فيَكُونوا بذلِكَ مَنارةً للأجيالِ الجَدِيدة. باركَكُم الرّبُّ جَميعًا وحَماكُم دائِمًا مِن كُلِّ شَرّ!
[Greetings to the Arabic-speaking faithful. Old age, in particular, is a time of grace, in which the Lord renews His call to the elders to guard and transmit their faith and to lead with their wisdom the world of today, which is facing many difficulties, thus becoming a beacon for the new generations. The Lord bless you all and always protect you from all evil!]
Pozdrawiam serdecznie Polaków, a szczególnie kapłanów z diecezji włocławskiej, którzy przybyli do Rzymu z okazji 25-lecia święceń kapłańskich. Dzisiaj wspominacie św. Jadwigę, królową, apostołkę Litwy, fundatorkę Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Podczas jej kanonizacji św. Jan Paweł II przypomniał, że to za jej sprawą Polska zjednoczyła się z Litwą i Rusią. Powierzając się ufnie jej wstawiennictwu, módlcie się tak jak ona, u stóp krzyża, o pokój w Europie. Z serca wam błogosławię.
[I cordially greet the Poles, and in particular the priests of the diocese of Włocławek who came to Rome on the 25th anniversary of their ordination. Today you remember Queen Saint Hedwig, Apostle of Lithuania and founder of the Jagiellonian University. During his canonization, St. John Paul II recalled that through him Poland was united with Lithuania and Rus'. Rely on her intercession, praying like her at the foot of the Cross for peace in Europe. I heartily bless you.]
