Major Catholic Archbishop of Ukraine Visits Mass Grave and says "... to love the enemy means to stop his murderous hand, to take away his weapon, not to give him the opportunity to kill."
Glory to Jesus Christ!
To love one's neighbor means to realize and experience one's humanity, and thus to show one's humanity. That is why every Christian, regardless of who he is: German, Italian, Australian, seeing the atrocities of the occupiers in Bucha, says today: I am a Ukrainian, feeling unity in our human race with those innocent victims. His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, said this in his daily military address on the 44th day of the war.
The Primate said that yesterday, on the Feast of the Annunciation, he had the opportunity to go to the infamous town of Bucha, which is an open wound on the body of Ukraine, and there, standing over an open mass grave and seeing mutilated breathless bodies, pray for their eternal rest.
"In that prayer, I asked, 'God, what does it mean to love you and your neighbor?' Right next to this mass grave, looking at the hands of our murdered brothers and sisters, I realized an important thing. To love one's neighbor means to feel one's kinship with them - to feel that we are human beings, we belong to one human race, "said the Head of the UGCC.
"And there," added His Beatitude Sviatoslav, "where he rests in the mass grave, she, there I can rest." We have a common vocation, a common destiny. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we belong to the same human race. "
According to him, the occupier is waging a war so that you and I can find ourselves in that mass grave tomorrow.
"But we love God," says the spiritual leader, "who is the source of life, not death." We ask our loving God to truly feel our oneness with our brothers and sisters, to even learn to love our enemies. And to love the enemy means to stop his murderous hand, to take away his weapon, not to give him the opportunity to kill. We ask that in the circumstances of hatred and murder we be able to love God and our neighbor and remain human. "
Source: UGCC Youtube Channel