#BreakingNews a Catholic Nun is Now the Oldest Person in the World - Congratulations to Sister André at 118 who Reveals Her Secrets to Long Life!

Lucile Randon, sister André by her religious name, was born in 1904 in France. She celebrated her 118th birthday on February 11, 2022.
Lucile Randon, Sister André by her religious name, was born in 1904 in France. She celebrated her 118th birthday on February 11, 2022.
At 118, Sister André , whose real name is Lucile Randon, is now the oldest woman in the world. She was already the oldest of the French and of Europe since 2017. Sister André was born on February 11, 1904 in Alès (Gard) and now lives in Toulon in the Résidence Sainte-Catherine-Labouré.
Her story is that of a late conversion, which will lead her to give her life to Christ. After losing her very young twin sister, Lucile met Christ at the age of 26.
Although she grew up in a Protestant family, with a pastor grandfather, she chose to be baptized in the Catholic Church, in the Saint-François-Xavier church (Paris).
It was not until 1944, at the age of 40, that she joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, rue du Bac in Paris.
The following year, she joined the Vichy hospital, where she remained for twenty-eight years. Sister André was then taking care of forty orphans, some of whom found her much later, thanks to the Internet.
When Sister André was asked the Secret of being able to live so long she answered; I don't know but only God knows.
Since she never misses a daily mass. “ I talk to God all the time. When things are not going well, I tell Him and sometimes I scold Him for abandoning me! Hey, why can't I hear Him today? ". "I'm never bored because I pray in the time I have free," she recently explained to a popular French Youtube star named Tibo Inshape who came to meet her. “ I pray every day , she confided again , especially for the unfortunate. The nun admits that she is not afraid of death and even “ desires” it.
Edited from Famille Chrétienne