Head of the Catholic Church in Ukraine says "Today we pray that the Lord God will send peace to Ukraine together with the spring sun. Let the war stop!"
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear ones in Christ, brothers and sisters! Today is March 22, 2022, and Ukraine is already experiencing the 27th day of the war. Although there is a war, unjust, cruel, bloody, deadly, but spring in Ukraine in its arms warms our land. And we, in hope of God, of His power, of His protection and support, defend our land.
Today I would like to especially thank our pastors and volunteers who are tirelessly serving their people these weeks.
His Holiness Francis emphasized that our people do not lack the closeness of their pastors.
Today we especially thank and pray for our bishops in Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, and Odessa. I visited our priests in the territory of the Kyiv Archdiocese, which today is really marked by this line of fire. We have occupied towns and villages, and there is a part of the archdiocese that has become a service area that receives refugees from hotspots, a place where everyone can find the help they need. Our parishes, in particular in Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, and Kyiv regions, have become humanitarian hubs that try to deliver humanitarian aid where it is really needed.
Communicating with our military chaplains, in their eyes, in their hearts, I felt pain for the fallen soldiers, pain for the wounded civilians. But looking into the eyes of our priests, our pastors, our volunteers, in their eyes I saw the victory of Ukraine, because they work for it, they live for it, they live directly in our churches. I saw a priest spending the night in the sacristy next to the holy altar, and with him all the volunteers who are trying to serve. And the whole temple is filled with humanitarian aid and people are constantly pouring in to get what they need.
Today I would like to thank all those who are collecting humanitarian aid for Ukraine. I want to assure you that our Church will do everything to ensure that every penny, every gift donated reaches its addressee, finds a specific person for whom you have performed an act of charity.
Today we pray that the Lord God will send peace to Ukraine together with the spring sun. Let the war stop! May the Lord God bless our land with His Love and His peace!
We pray for those who suffered from the war! Let's help those who are fighting for their lives! We pray for Ukraine!
Dear ones in Christ, brothers and sisters! Today is March 22, 2022, and Ukraine is already experiencing the 27th day of the war. Although there is a war, unjust, cruel, bloody, deadly, but spring in Ukraine in its arms warms our land. And we, in hope of God, of His power, of His protection and support, defend our land.
Today I would like to especially thank our pastors and volunteers who are tirelessly serving their people these weeks.
His Holiness Francis emphasized that our people do not lack the closeness of their pastors.
Today we especially thank and pray for our bishops in Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, and Odessa. I visited our priests in the territory of the Kyiv Archdiocese, which today is really marked by this line of fire. We have occupied towns and villages, and there is a part of the archdiocese that has become a service area that receives refugees from hotspots, a place where everyone can find the help they need. Our parishes, in particular in Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, and Kyiv regions, have become humanitarian hubs that try to deliver humanitarian aid where it is really needed.
Communicating with our military chaplains, in their eyes, in their hearts, I felt pain for the fallen soldiers, pain for the wounded civilians. But looking into the eyes of our priests, our pastors, our volunteers, in their eyes I saw the victory of Ukraine, because they work for it, they live for it, they live directly in our churches. I saw a priest spending the night in the sacristy next to the holy altar, and with him all the volunteers who are trying to serve. And the whole temple is filled with humanitarian aid and people are constantly pouring in to get what they need.
Today I would like to thank all those who are collecting humanitarian aid for Ukraine. I want to assure you that our Church will do everything to ensure that every penny, every gift donated reaches its addressee, finds a specific person for whom you have performed an act of charity.
Today we pray that the Lord God will send peace to Ukraine together with the spring sun. Let the war stop! May the Lord God bless our land with His Love and His peace!
We pray for those who suffered from the war! Let's help those who are fighting for their lives! We pray for Ukraine!
Source: UGCC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNh5rz4rdNw