Bishops of Ukraine Recommend Prayers to Our Lady of Fatima, Including Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary of St. Pope John Paul II
The Latin Rite Roman Catholic Bishops of Ukraine have recommended several prayers ahead of the Fatima Consecration by Pope Francis. Here are some of the prayers; including the Consecration of St. Pope John Paul II:
Prayer to the Mother of God of Fatima
Mother of God, Immaculate Lady of Fatima! Today we stand before You, full of trust. You see our helplessness in the face of the great onslaught of evil that destroys the dignity of the child of God in human hearts. We believe that You have sought to help us and have been doing so relentlessly since Your Son, Jesus Christ, dying on the cross, asked You to do so. You reveal yourself to people and strengthen our faith so that we, obedient to Christ, may be converted from sin, repent, and receive the Good News of salvation. Like the children of Fatima, you are now asking us for the prayer of the Rosary and for penance, so that we may turn our hearts away from Satan's deceptive plans and fall fully into Your heart. Asylum for sinners, accept our pity and concrete decision to stay close to God. We offer you our prayers, joys and sufferings to come out under Your guidance with the burning fire of faith to meet the approaching Savior. O Mother of Mercy, look at the throngs of people whose hearts are entangled in the bondage of sin, putting earthly goods above the happiness of Heaven.
(SEE ALSO : Video Below is the Novena for the Consecration of Russia-Ukraine as Issued by the Knights of Columbus)
You hear the cries of sinners who, immersed in the rejection of hell, can no longer warn others against the lawlessness of Satan. Virgin of the Mighty, on our behalf come to us sinners and do not stop begging for conversion. We promise to sustain Your efforts by sacrificing our good deeds to God to carry out Your appeals. Give us the strength and power of the Spirit, that we, united with the whole Church and sustained by the intercession of our holy Patrons, may always be faithful to our commitment. Amen.
Mary's Magnificat
The priest continues the prayer:
O Immaculate Heart! Help us to defeat the evil that easily takes over the hearts of modern people. The consequences of evil are terrible and fill us with anxiety about the future. That is why we, Your children, seek salvation and help in You:
from hunger and self-destruction - save us
from all kinds of war - save us
from the sin of hatred - save us
from trampling on God's commandments - save us
from neglecting your inspirations - save us
from all injustice in public life - save us from
the sin of infanticide - save us
sins against the Holy Spirit - save us
from demoralization and debauchery - save us
from enslavement to alcohol or drugs - save us
from renunciation of You - save us
Accept, O Mother of Fatima, this cry which is full of pain. May the infinite power of Merciful Love appear once again in the history of the world! May she put an end to evil! May the light of hope open for all of us in the Immaculate Heart. We ask You for this in this novena. Take care of the Church and make sure that the glory of God does not stop in our country. Protect us from the enemies of the cross. Overcome them with love, so that, moved by their loving hearts, they may turn to God. O best Mother, who, appearing in Fatima, was pleased to reveal to us the treasures of grace hidden in the prayer of the Holy Rosary: inspire our hearts with sincere love for this prayer, so that as we meditate on the mysteries of Redemption, we may know better .
Prayer of St. John Paul II, Pope to the Mother of God of Fatima
1. We run to Your protection, Most Holy Theotokos.
At the Second Vatican Council, the Church, remembering the words of the Lord: "Go and make disciples of all nations!" and "I am with you always, to the end of the age," she realized anew her mission in this world. Therefore, O Mother of all peoples and nations, You, Who know "all their sufferings and hopes", You, Who motherly experience the struggle of good and evil, light and darkness that shake the modern world, accept our prayer, which in the Most Holy To the Spirit we direct to Your Heart, and envelop with the love of Mother and Servant our human world, which we trust and dedicate to You, caring for the earthly and eternal destiny of people and nations.
And we especially trust and dedicate to You those people and those nations that need it the most.
We run under Your protection, Blessed Virgin Mary. Do not despise our prayers for our needs! Don't be proud! Accept our humble trust and our trust!
2. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It was love that led the Son of God to give himself for all people: "For them I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth" (Jn 17:19). By virtue of this "consecration," the disciples of all times are called to be active participants in the work of saving the world, to make up for what Christ's sorrows lack, for the good of His Body, which is the Church.
Mother of Christ, standing before You today, we seek to unite with the whole Church before Your Immaculate Heart with our Redeemer in devotion to the world and humanity, because only His Divine Heart has the power to atone for and repay the evil of sins. The power of this devotion continues at all times, it embraces all peoples, tribes and nations, overcoming the evil that the spirit of darkness is able to ignite in the heart of man and in his history; which he inflamed also in our time. Oh, how deeply we feel the need to unite with Christ to give ourselves for humanity and the world, for our modern world! The saving work of Christ through the Church must become the work of the whole world.
Oh, how painful is all that in the Church and in each of us contradicts holiness and consecration! How painful it is for us that the call to penance, conversion, prayer has not been heard properly!
How painful it is for us to participate so weakly in the work of Christ's Redemption that we do not sufficiently supplement in our bodies what "Christ's sorrows still lack."
Blessed be all souls who obey the calls of Eternal Love.
Blessed be all those who, day by day, accept Your call with inexhaustible generosity, O Mother, to do what Your Son Jesus will say, joyfully testifying to the Church and to the world about the life inspired by the Gospel.
Blessed be you, Servant of the Lord, for You have been obedient to God's call in the most perfect way! Rejoice, for You are united with the saved self-consecration of Your Son!
Mother of the Church! Serve God's people on the roads of faith, hope and love! Help us to live the full truth of Christ's dedication to the human race.
3. O Mother, entrusting to You the world, all peoples and all nations, we entrust to You also our consecration to the world, placing it in Your Motherly Heart.
O Immaculate Heart! Help us to overcome the fear of evil, which is so easily rooted in the hearts of modern people, evil, the immeasurable consequences of which weigh on our present and seem to close the way to the future!
Save us from famine and war!
Save us from nuclear war, from unforeseen self-destruction, from all kinds of war!
Save us from sins against human life from its very conception!
Save us from hatred and contempt for the dignity of a child of God!
Save us from any injustice in public, state and international life!
Save us from blasphemy of God's commandments!
Save us from trying to trample the truth about God in people's hearts!
Save us from sins against the Holy Spirit! Save us!
O Mother of Christ, accept this cry, full of human suffering! May the infinite power of merciful Love once again appear in the history of the world! May she put an end to evil! Let him change his conscience! May the light of hope open to all in the Immaculate Heart. Amen.
From the Act of Consecration of the World and the Church to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fatima, May 13, 1982
Prayer to the Virgin of Fatima
O Most Holy Mother of God, before the All-Merciful and Almighty God, be the speaker of our gratitude for the generous graces with which He endows our land. Ask Him for blessings for peace, harmony, and understanding. For Your intercession, may He bless the efforts for Christian unity in the name of the Lord's covenant: "That all may be one." May He look mercifully on His Church, giving her complete freedom and the grace of many holy vocations to the priesthood and monastic life; may He bless the government in its concern for the welfare of the people, for their spiritual development and justice. May the Lord take care of our families so that they may be strong and faithful to Him. May He endow children and young people with spiritual, intellectual and physical health and protect them from temptation. May He show the lost the way to conversion, let him lead unbelievers to the knowledge of the truth, and sinners to repentance. May he have mercy on the sick and the poor, the suffering and the needy.
O Most Holy Mother of God, Patroness of the Ukrainian land, we turn to Your mercy. Accept our prayer. Be with us on the paths of faith, hope and love. At your request, let hearts be converted and goodness reign. Pray for us that we, following the will of the Most High, may always follow Your example of service to God and neighbor. Amen.