Wow Large Crowd at March for Life Mass in Washington DC with Cardinal O'Malley who said " a civilization of love..." WATCH FULL VIDEO + Homily
WATCH the FULL March for Life Mass Below: (Starting at the 17:20 Mark)
“Minorities account for two-third of abortions each year...” Cardinal O’Malley said. “We are failing them and their children in their time of need. We can and must do better.”
“Dismantling unjust laws is only the beginning. We still have the arduous task of creating a pro-life culture, of changing heart and minds,” The cardinal warned that if pro-life people “come across as judgmental and self-righteous we’re never going to get a hearing in America.” Cardinal O’Malley continued, “our task is not to judge others, but to try to bring healing. … Our job is to build a society that takes care of everybody, where every person counts, where every life is important.” He stated that, “poverty, racism and economic injustice will continue to fuel abortion in post-Roe v. Wade world.”
The cure to abortion, he said, “ultimately, will be solidarity and community” to counter “so much isolation and alienation and individualism.” “Our role as a church is to build a strong sense of community where people feel responsible for each other. The statistics are grim - 1 million abortions a year. Most of those abortions are performed on unmarried women in poverty.”
“A land where the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer will always be fertile soil for abortion.”
Cardinal O’Malley noted the irony that “2 million Americans each year try to adopt children, and only 20,000 U.S. babies are given up (for adoption). At the same time, a million babies are being aborted. It’s tragic.”
He continued, “Only a huge educational effort will be able to change the cultural prejudices that exist. Adoption needs to be more user-friendly, it needs to be more transparent and it needs to be celebrated.” “Changing the laws is important, but building a civilization of love is what will ultimately overcome abortion in our culture,” Cardinal O’Malley said. The cardinal concluded, “to build a civilization of love — or there will be no civilization at all.”