The Holy Father Canonically Erects the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon as a Public Ecclesiastical Juridical person
Note of the Congregation for Bishops on the erection of the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon, 20.10.2021
The Final Document of the Synod on Amazonia, no. 115, proposed the creation of a “permanent and representative episcopal body to promote synodality in the Amazon region”. During an Assembly held on 26-29 June 2020, the Presidents concerned decided to ask the Holy See for the permanent establishment of the Conferencia Ecclesial de la Amazonía.
In favour of this initiative, which emerged from the Synodal Assembly, Pope Francis instructed the Congregation for Bishops to follow and accompany the process closely, providing every assistance to give the body an adequate physiognomy.
At the Audience of 9 October granted to the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, the Holy Father canonically erected the Conferencia Eclesial de la Amazonía as a public ecclesiastical juridical person, giving it the purpose of promoting common pastoral action by the ecclesiastical circumscriptions of Amazonia and encouraging greater inculturation of the faith in the aforementioned territory.
The Statutes of the new body will be submitted to the Holy Father for the necessary approval at the end of their study.
The Statutes of the new body will be submitted to the Holy Father for the necessary approval at the end of their study.