Beautiful Heavenly Music by St. Hildegard von Bingen honoring Our Lady "O tu suavissima virga." (Sheet music and Video at bottom of this post) Saint Hildegard was born in 1098 and is the patroness of music, theology and medicine. Her Feast Day is September 17th. Full text lyrics in Latin and English below.
O tu suavissima virga
Responsory for the Virgin (D 156v, R 468r, Scivias III.13.1b)
Responsory for the Virgin (D 156v, R 468r, Scivias III.13.1b)
by Hildegard of Bingen
R. O tu suavissima virga
frondens de stirpe Jesse,
O quam magna virtus est
quod divinitas
in pulcherrimam filiam aspexit,
sicut aquila in solem
oculum suum ponit:
R. Cum supernus Pater claritatem Virginis
adtendit ubi Verbum suum
in ipsa incarnari voluit.
V. Nam in mistico misterio Dei,
illustrata mente Virginis,
mirabiliter clarus flos
ex ipsa Virgine
R. Cum supernus Pater claritatem Virginis
adtendit ubi Verbum suum
in ipsa incarnari voluit.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui
sancto, sicut erat in principio.
R. Cum supernus Pater claritatem Virginis
adtendit ubi Verbum suum
in ipsa incarnari voluit.R. O sweetest branch,
you bloom from Jesse’s stock!
How great the mighty power,
that divinity
upon a daughter’s beauty gazed—
an eagle turns his eye
into the sun:
R. As Heaven’s Father tended to the Virgin’s splendor
when he willed his Word
in her to be incarnate.
V. For in God’s mystic mystery,
the Virgin’s mind illuminéd,
the flower bright—a wonder!—
forth from that Virgin
R. As Heaven’s Father tended to the Virgin’s splendor
when he willed his Word
in her to be incarnate.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and the Spirit
Holy, as it was in the beginning.
R. As Heaven’s Father tended to the Virgin’s splendor
when he willed his Word
in her to be incarnate.Latin collated from the transcription of Beverly Lomer and the edition of Barbara Newman; translation by Nathaniel M. Campbell.
SOURCE: http://www.hildegard-society.org/2014/10/o-tu-suavissima-virga-responsory.html
frondens de stirpe Jesse,
O quam magna virtus est
quod divinitas
in pulcherrimam filiam aspexit,
sicut aquila in solem
oculum suum ponit:
R. Cum supernus Pater claritatem Virginis
adtendit ubi Verbum suum
in ipsa incarnari voluit.
V. Nam in mistico misterio Dei,
illustrata mente Virginis,
mirabiliter clarus flos
ex ipsa Virgine
R. Cum supernus Pater claritatem Virginis
adtendit ubi Verbum suum
in ipsa incarnari voluit.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui
sancto, sicut erat in principio.
R. Cum supernus Pater claritatem Virginis
adtendit ubi Verbum suum
in ipsa incarnari voluit.R. O sweetest branch,
you bloom from Jesse’s stock!
How great the mighty power,
that divinity
upon a daughter’s beauty gazed—
an eagle turns his eye
into the sun:

when he willed his Word
in her to be incarnate.
V. For in God’s mystic mystery,
the Virgin’s mind illuminéd,
the flower bright—a wonder!—
forth from that Virgin
R. As Heaven’s Father tended to the Virgin’s splendor
when he willed his Word
in her to be incarnate.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and the Spirit
Holy, as it was in the beginning.
R. As Heaven’s Father tended to the Virgin’s splendor
when he willed his Word
in her to be incarnate.Latin collated from the transcription of Beverly Lomer and the edition of Barbara Newman; translation by Nathaniel M. Campbell.
SOURCE: http://www.hildegard-society.org/2014/10/o-tu-suavissima-virga-responsory.html