~289 AD, Synnada, Phrygia
~304 AD, Via Aurelia, Rome
Major Shrine:
San Pancrazio, Rome
Patron of:
children; invoked against cramp, false witness, headache, and perjury
~289 AD, Synnada, Phrygia
~304 AD, Via Aurelia, Rome
Major Shrine:
San Pancrazio, Rome
Patron of:
children; invoked against cramp, false witness, headache, and perjury
He is said to have suffered at Rome in the fourteenth year of his age. Having been beheaded for the faith, which he had gloriously confessed under Dioclesian in the year 304, he was interred in the cemetery of Calepodius, which afterwards took his name. His old church in that place was repaired in the fifth century by Pope Symmachus, and in the seventh by pope Honorius I. St. Gregory the Great speaks of his relics. St. Gregory of Tours1 calls him the Avenger of Perjuries, and says that God by a perpetual miracle visibly punished false oaths made before his relics. Pope Vitalian sent a portion of them to king Oswi in 656.2 Italy, England, France, Spain, &c., abound with churches which bear his name.3 See D. Jenichen, Diss. de S. Pancratio, urbis et ecclesiae primariae Giessensis patrono titular), in 4to. anno 1758, at Giessen, a university in Upper Hesse, belonging to the landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt.
Lives of the Saints - Butler
Image Giovan Francesco Barbieri detto il Guercino - Source: Google ImagesLives of the Saints - Butler
PRAYER TO THE ETERNAL FATHER I believe, Heavenly Father, All that Faith teaches, And in that Faith I wish to live and die. Through the intercession of St. Pancratius grant us good health To fulfill our duties. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
PRAYER TO GOD THE SON Our good Jesus, Grant me the virtue of Hope In your promises In the same measure That St. Pancratius always trusted In your Providence, So that I may, Through his intercession, Obtain work and success In all my undertakings. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be... PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Grant me the virtue of Charity That I may love God Above all things And my neighbor For the love of God, As St. Pancratious did. Through his intercession I hope to obtain this grace And that of being free From adversities And from ill-intentioned persons. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
CONCLUDING PRAYER O GLORIOUS St. Pancratius, I beg you to obtain for me All the graces that I need, But especially health and work, So that I may appear before you To thank God For the favors I received Through your powerful intercession. Amen. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
PRAYER TO THE ETERNAL FATHER I believe, Heavenly Father, All that Faith teaches, And in that Faith I wish to live and die. Through the intercession of St. Pancratius grant us good health To fulfill our duties. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
PRAYER TO GOD THE SON Our good Jesus, Grant me the virtue of Hope In your promises In the same measure That St. Pancratius always trusted In your Providence, So that I may, Through his intercession, Obtain work and success In all my undertakings. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be... PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Grant me the virtue of Charity That I may love God Above all things And my neighbor For the love of God, As St. Pancratious did. Through his intercession I hope to obtain this grace And that of being free From adversities And from ill-intentioned persons. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
CONCLUDING PRAYER O GLORIOUS St. Pancratius, I beg you to obtain for me All the graces that I need, But especially health and work, So that I may appear before you To thank God For the favors I received Through your powerful intercession. Amen. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...