Pope Francis Brings 7 People Closer to Sainthood by Authorizing Heroic Virtues - Including 3 Nuns who Died of Ebola Virus

- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Mercury Maria Teresi, Archbishop of Monreale; born on 10 October 1742 in Montemaggiore Belsito (Italy) and died in Monreale (Italy) on 18 April 1805;
- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Cosma Muñoz Pérez, diocesan priest, Founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Patronage of Santa Maria; born in 1573 in Villar del Rio (Spain) and died in Córdoba (Spain) on December 3, 1636;
- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Salvatore Valera Parra, diocesan priest; born on February 27, 1816 in Huércal-Overa (Spain) and died there on March 15, 1889;
- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Leo Veuthey (in the century: Clovis), professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual; born on March 3, 1896 in Dorénaz (Switzerland) and died in Rome (Italy) on June 7, 1974;
- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Annelvira Ossoli (in the world: Celeste Maria), professed religious of the Congregation of the Poverelle Sisters - Istituto Palazzolo; born on 26 August 1936 in Orzivecchi (Italy) and died in Kikwit (Democratic Republic of Congo) on 23 May 1995;
- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Vitarosa Zorza (born Maria Rosa), professed religious of the Congregation of the Poverelle Sisters - Istituto Palazzolo; born on 9 October 1943 in Palosco (Italy) and died in Kikwit (Democratic Republic of Congo) on 28 May 1995;
- the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Danielangela Sorti (born Anna Maria), a professed religious of the Congregation of the Poverelle Sisters - Istituto Palazzolo; born on June 15, 1947 in Bergamo (Italy) and died in Kikwit (Democratic Republic of Congo) on May 11, 1995.
Source: https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2021/03/18/0164/00355.html