Honduras Congress Passes Pro-Life Bill to Permanently Ban Abortion as “Every Human Has the Right to Life”
Life News reports that Honduras Congress Passes Bill to Make Abortion Ban Permanent as “Every Human Has the Right to Life”
Honduran lawmakers voted Thursday to safeguard the right to life for unborn babies in their country.
Reuters reports the Congress of Honduras voted 88-28 in favor of legislation that would increase the vote threshold to 75 percent to repeal unborn babies’ constitutional right to life. To pass, the legislature must approve the measure a second time, but news outlets predicted that it will.
“Every human being has the right to life from the moment of conception,” said Congressman Mario Pérez, who introduced the measure last week.
Article 67 of the Honduran Constitution states that “the unborn will be considered born for everything that favors within the limits of the law.” It also prohibits abortions in all circumstances. Abortions have been illegal in the country since 1982.
Most Central and South American countries protect unborn babies’ right to life, but they face growing pressure from international groups to legalize abortion. (Above Edited from LifeNews.com
Pope Francis has often defended pro-life legislation on March 25, 2020 he said "Therefore, with St. John Paul II, who made this encyclical, with him I reaffirm with renewed conviction the appeal he made to all twenty-five years ago: "Respect, defend, love and serve life, every life, every human life !"