
Sunday Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sunday, October 18, 2020 - Your Virtual Church

Saint October 18 : St. Luke - a Physician and Evangelist and Patron of Artists, Physicians - who Painted Our Lady

Bishop Edward Janiak, Accused of Concealing Abuse, Sends Resignation to Vatican which is Accepted by the Pope

COMECE Releases Statement on Anti-Trafficking Day "..a crime that disfigures both the victims as well as those who carry it out.." - FULL TEXT

Novena to Saint Ignatius of Antioch - Powerful Prayer to the Bishop and Martyr who Died in 108 AD

Pope Francis meets with Carabinieri and Says "In carrying out your profession, let the awareness always accompany you that every person is loved by God, is his creature and as such deserves respect."

Bishop of Brooklyn Says "“We will also continue to advocate for places of worship to be classified as essential, for there is nothing more necessary..." after Court Denies Request

Teacher Beheaded by 18-year-old Student after Showing Cartoons of Mohammad in France - President Calls it an “Islamist terrorist attack"