RIP Father Michel Bineen Mukad - Catholic Priest Dies by Suicide after COVID Diagnosis on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

The Diocese of Charleston, in the United States, wrote: "We are saddened to share that Father Michel Bineen Mukad, CICM, administrator at St. Mary Our Lady of Ransom Church in Georgetown, passed away Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. "

Read the statement from the diocese:

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

It has been a difficult few days. The news of Rev. Michel Bineen Mukad’s death on Dec. 8 was heartbreaking. For more than three years, Father Mukad was a deeply devoted priest that was beloved by his parishioners, and his brother priests. He shared a commitment to the faith that was clear and unwavering. I greatly appreciated his commitment to serving our diocese with an open heart and willing hand.

It is with great sorry that I must notify you that police have informed us Father Mukad [died by suicide] at the young age of 38. While we do not know the exact circumstances surrounding this tragic event, we do know that he struggled greatly due to the pandemic.

Like many of us, the isolation and anxiety of the modern world can be an unbearable challenge. For some people these feelings and the isolation they bring can become overwhelming.

I ask that each of you take time to call or message others in your immediate circle, and reach out to those who may have no family, or who are unable to be with family, especially during this holy month. We must take care of one another and also our own mental health. If you are struggling to cope, please reach out to a friend, a loved one, your pastor — someone to listen to you. You are not alone. There are many resources to help you through, and the Lord God cherishes you.

The Diocese Shared this biography on their FB Page:

He was 38. Father Mukad was born on Oct. 28, 1982, and is a native of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was ordained to the priesthood on Oct. 6, 2013, at St. Eugene Church in Wendell, N.C. After serving more than 3 years in the Diocese of San Antonio, Texas, he moved to South Carolina. During his time in our diocese, he served as parochial vicar at St. Mary Help of Christians in Aiken, administrator at St. Louis Church in Dillon, and administrator at St. Mary Our Lady of Ransom. Funeral arrangements will be shared in the upcoming days. Please pray for the repose of Father Mukad's soul and for his family and parishioners.


I have a picture of myself with him on my phone. My mom took it when he left as our parochial vicar.
I used to talk to him in French (which I barely speak and he spoke fluently).
Dude was SUPER smart.
Rest in peace.
I wish I could have done something to help.
Anonymous said…
It's sad to know that he was 'pushed' that far to make decision to end his life. I kept on telling others that priests are humanbeings. They need our care. JS