Italian Diocese Issues Excommunication Decree for Former Franciscan Priest who was Laicized and Former Spiritual Director to Visionaries at Medjugorje - Mr. Tomislav Vlašić

On 22 July 2020 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith formally
communicated to the Bishop of Brescia that on 15 July 2020 it was issued by the same Congregation a declarative DECREE concerning Mr. Tomislav Vlašić.
The decree declared that Mr. Vlašić incurred the penalty of excommunication mentioned in can.
1331 §§1-2 of the Code of Canon Law. The serious canonical penal provision has been imposed towards him due to the fact that unfortunately, during these years, Mr. Vlašić has never complied with the prohibitions imposed on him in the canonical penal precept issued against him by the the same Congregation, on 10 March 2009, under penalty of excommunication reserved for the Holy See.
In fact, in all these years, in the Diocese of Brescia and in other places, he continued to carry out apostolic activities towards individuals and groups, both through conferences and by computer means; continued to declare himself religious and priest of the Catholic Church, simulating the celebration of invalid sacraments; continued to cause serious scandal among the faithful, carrying out acts seriously damaging to ecclesial communion and obedience to the Authority
ecclesiastical (see Declaration to the faithful of the Diocese of Brescia of 17 January 2020, prot. no. 41/20).
Because of this penalty of excommunication, Mr. Vlašić is prohibited from taking part in any way as a minister at the celebration of the Eucharist or any other worship ceremony public, to celebrate sacraments or sacramentals and to receive the sacraments, to exercise functions in
any offices or ministries or ecclesiastical offices, or to establish acts of government. In the event that Mr. Vlašić intended to take part in the celebration of the Eucharist or in any act of public worship,
he must be dismissed or the liturgical action must be interrupted, if a grave cause is not opposed.
It will be the responsibility of the Bishop of Brescia, having regard to the indications received from the Holy See, to provide upon notification of the aforementioned decree to the interested party, duly informing the Bishops of the C.E.I. and other interested Ordinaries, from non-Italian dioceses, from which the faithful who follow Mr. Vlašić.
Thanking you for your attention, best regards
Don Adriano Bianchi Direttore Ufficio per le Comunicazioni Sociali
Background Source on Mr. Vlasic: