Sister Anne Flanagan of the Daughters of St. Paul posted that her order's Pauline Bookstore in Chicago was vandalized. She explains that on Saturday afternoon, the sisters removed the Blessed Sacrament from the bookstore chapel and locked themselves upstairs. At 3:00 AM on Pentecost (May 31) morning they heard the glass break. Both of the automatic doors were shattered, and the front plate-glass display window. The vandals broke through the counter and then left. A quick inventory shows that they seem to have left without taking a single Some friends came to help begin the clean-up, and by mid-afternoon the sisters had found a safer place to spend the night. Sister Anne wrote: "if you are inclined to give toward replacing our doors, window, counter and equipment, please go to donate.daughtersofstpaul.com and indicate "Chicago" in the notes. The Sisters also ask for prayers....
Source: https://romans8v29.blogspot.com/2020/06/pauline-bookstore-chicago-looting.html