US Bishops' President says "Jesus rises to tell us that his love is stronger than death!" in Easter Message - Video

April 12, 2020
WASHINGTON – Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued the following Easter message.
Archbishop Gomez’s full statement follows:
My dear brothers and sisters:
Christ is risen!
This is the joy of Easter. And what a gift it is to hear these words in this time of the coronavirus.
Jesus asked us to carry our cross with him during this long Lent. This has been a time when we confront the reality that our life is fragile. This has been a time for us to reflect on what really matters, and what makes life truly worth living.
As we stand in the joyful light of Easter, we know that our world is still darkened by loss and despair.
Jesus rises to tell us that his love is stronger than death!
He has passed through the valley of the shadow of death. And there is no evil that we should fear. He will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
Christ is risen and we will rise with him! This is the promise of Easter. And God does not withdraw his promise, even when Easter comes during a pandemic.
So, let us stay close to Jesus.
And let us stay close to Mary our Blessed Mother. May she help us to always carry our cross with her Son, that we may be raised up with him and share in his Resurrection.
May you and your families have a blessed Easter season.
Source: USCCB
Source: USCCB