Find Peace in a Busy World with this Easy Prayer to Our Lady of Silence to Help your Journey in Life and Lent

Find Peace in a Busy World with this Easy Prayer to Our Lady of Silence to Help your Journey in Life...and Lent
Oh, beloved Mother, I come to you, tonight, Seeking for rest? To find, in silence, the serenity
For which my heart thirsts? After the weariness of the day, And the fever of action,I come to you, Our Lady!
Haven of silence, Fountain of peace, Abyss of gentleness! I come to you, to renew my soul
To forget my cares, To flee from speech, And to escape from the hectic life, Of which, tonight, I am weary.
I come to you, Our Lady, Teacher of silence and of shaded retreats, Of wisdom and of joy, I come to You! I want but one thing: To remain in your sight, To think of You, Virgin of silence.
And if I am too broken to think, And too weary to pray, Too wounded even to smile, To simply be there at your feet, In your silence. To savour your silence, your calm,
To plunge into it, to quench my thirst in it!
To be at your feet, O Mary! To love you with all my heart, Without words, without discourses,
In silence! Oh! Our Lady, I come to you? May my heart contemplate, In your silence, The silence of adoration! Amen
Source of Prayer:
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