#BreakingNews Nativity set on Fire at Catholic Church in Germany and entire Church interior Damaged with Smoke

As the police announced on Thursday (02.01.2020), fire was lit in several places in the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit on New Year's Eve (01.01.2020). A bookshelf and the community's nativity scene were completely destroyed.   Arson in church of the Archdiocese of Cologne - heavy sooting of the church Ratingen (kath.net) A Christmas crib and a bookcase had burned, the Holy Spirit Church (Heilig-Geist-Kirche )in Ratingen (Archdiocese of Cologne) is covered with a thick layer of soot. A sacristan discovered this on New Year's morning. The police suspect arson. The WDR reported. Fortunately, the fires went out on their own. There was no damage to the building structure of the church, but the soot caused considerable damage to property, according to initial estimates at least 10,000 euros. According to the "Rheinische Post" the community will probably not be able to use their church for weeks.
Source: https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/krippe-kirche-ratingen-feuer-100.html
