
Saint December 4 : St. Barbara who was Shut in a Tower by her Father and the Patron of Mathematicians, Miners, Military engineers, lightning, Sudden death

Free Catholic Movie : "Grace, Guts and Glory" : Drama of #StFrancisXavier : Stars Karan Kodade

Pope Francis' Message on Day of Persons with Disabilities ".. I pray that each person may feel the paternal gaze of God, who affirms his full dignity and the unconditional value of his life...." Full Text

Catholic Churches in the Philippines open Doors to Victims of Typhoon as over 100,000 are Displaced

At Mass, Pope Francis says “The Word of God sings the praises of what is small” in Homily

New Bishop of Gary, Indiana - Rev. Msgr. Robert McClory Appointed as Bishop - Rector of the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica

Pope Francis tells Entrepreneurs "... the fact of wanting to transform this world and save it with Christ, can sometimes lead to martyrdom.." Full Text

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Tuesday, December 3, 2019 - #Eucharist