At Angelus, Pope Francis Appeals for Peace in Syria and Ecuador - entrusting the situation to Prayer and Intercession

St. Peter's Square
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Dear brothers and sisters,
before concluding this Eucharistic celebration, I wish to greet and thank all of you.
I thank the brother Cardinals and the Bishops, as well as the priests, religious and men, coming from all over the world, especially those who belong to the spiritual families of the new saints. I greet all the lay faithful who have gathered here.
I greet the official delegations of various countries, in particular the President of the Italian Republic and His Highness the Prince of Wales. Indeed, with their evangelical witness, these Saints have fostered spiritual and social growth in their respective countries.
I address a special thought to the delegates of the Anglican Communion, with deep gratitude for their presence and also, I welcome you, dear brother, new Bishop here in Rome.
I greet all of you, dear pilgrims, as well as those who have followed this Mass through radio and television. A special greeting goes to the faithful of Poland, who today celebrate Pope's Day: I thank them for their prayers and for their constant affection.
And my thoughts go once again to the Middle East. In particular, the beloved and tormented Syria from where dramatic news comes again on the fate of the populations of the north-east of the country, forced to abandon their homes because of military actions: among these populations there are also many Christian families. To all the actors involved and also to the international community; please, I renew the appeal to engage sincerely, honestly and transparently on the path of dialogue to seek effective solutions.
Together with all the members of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region, especially those from Ecuador, I follow with concern what is happening in the last few weeks in that country. I entrust it to common prayer and the intercession of the new saints, and I join in the pain for the dead, the wounded and the missing. I encourage you to seek social peace, with particular attention to the most vulnerable populations, the poor and human rights.
And now we turn to the Virgin Mary, a model of evangelical perfection, to help us follow the example of the new saints.
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