This conference brought together speakers - leaders in the New Evangelization to provide inspiration, encouragement, training, practical wisdom and resources on how Catholics can effectively evangelize.
The annual NES was held in Ottawa on Saturday, May 4, 2019, and was streamed to 55 host-sites. The broadcasting of the event went around North America enabling many to participate in the Summit. Thus approximately 5000 like minded Catholics from across the continent were united – to be formed as evangelists and be part of a network of Catholic evangelists. All of the speakers mentioned the Holy Father in a positive way promoting evangelization.
Cardinal Lacroix of Quebec, Canada, gave a powerful opening talk after the celebration of the Mass. He emphasized the writings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis. He quoted many citations from Evangelium Gaudium.
In 2016, Father James also authored the Divine Renovation Guidebook, a step by step manual for transforming a parish.
Fr. Mallon explained for every adult that joins the Church 6 others leave. He said "Yet, we speak of hope. ..nobody can go off to battle unless he is convinced of victory."
Fr. James also quoted Pope Francis: "27. I dream of a “missionary option”, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation." Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium of the Holy Father Francis
Mallon said "But the Lord can meet us in this place in our desperation." He stated that it is a "Missionary community that Jesus himself established." He also noted that, "The power of the Holy Spirit is what changes our hearts." He offered 10 things to do to bring you parish to maintenance and mission - maintaining the flock that God has entrusted to you and emphasized that it takes hard work and takes time. Here is a summary of his 10 points
1. Pray for your parish and pray for you pastor.
2. Encourage - be encouragers - watch and pay attention to that critical spirit
3. Buy in - financial giving - includes offering your talents
4. Dream
5. Scratch the itch - ask the Lord to give you Holy discontent - don't be bitter - offer yourself
6. Be filled with the Holy Spirit - power from on high through prayer
7. Influence your sphere - exercise leadership - love people before trying to lead them - inspire hope not negativity - begin by loving people
8. Help implement an evangelization tool - for adult evangelization for those outside and inside the church
9. Give you pastor permission to lead - how your pastor leads - 3 prophet, priest and king -
10. Be a vision carrier
Mallon Gave the final words to Martin Luther King, Jr. saying, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Michael Dopp the founder gave a talk saying we need part of the mission that God has. He explained we needed to give our yes! This is by witnessing our friendship to Jesus. He noted that everyone experiences fear. At the end of his talk he challenged us to "Go out and be an apostle of the New evangelization!"
Another speaker was Fr. Jon Bielawski – Co-developer, the Genesis Mission Fr. Jon was ordained a Catholic priest in 1990 in the Plymouth Diocese, UK. In 2015, Fr. Jon combined the role of Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation, Catechesis and Schools with running a busy parish. Fr. Jon has been inspired by the phrase, “the church exists to evangelise” and has recognised a huge gap between knowing we should evangelise and how to go about it.

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