Thousands of Pro-Lifers and many youth at "March for Life" in Rome, Italy.
Around 15,000 pro-lifers marched against abortion and euthanasia in the annual event on the weekend in Rome. This was reported by the Italian newspaper "Avvenire" (Sunday), citing the organizers. The participants included international associations for the protection of life, bishops, priests and religious, as well as Cardinals Willem Jacobus Eijk (Netherlands) and Raymond Burke (USA). It was about "defending the right to life from conception to natural death", quoted "Avvenire" the spokeswoman for the Italian "Marcia per la Vita", Virginia Coda Nunziante.
The demonstration took place in Italy for the ninth time. Pro-Life movements gather around the world on different dates every year for similar protest marches, for example in Berlin, Paris, Washington or Poland.
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"Life, truth, love: words full of stimulating suggestions for human efforts in the world. They are rooted in the message of Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, but they are also impressed upon the hearts and yearnings of every man and woman." - John Paul ii, (ref. *a).
Also, "3. The evidence shows with increasing clarity how policies and laws opposed to life are causing societies to decline, not only morally but demographically and economically. The Encyclical's message can therefore be presented not only as true and authentic guidelines for moral rebirth, but also as a reference-point for civil salvation." (ref. *a)
Also, "No effort should be spared to eliminate legalized crime or at least to limit the damage caused by these laws, but with the vivid awareness of the radical duty to respect every human being's right to life from conception until natural death, including the life of the lowliest and the least gifted." (ref. *a)
In addition, "This requires first that pastoral workers be prepared in seminaries and theological institutes; it also calls for the correct and consistent teaching of morals in the various forms of catechesis and of conscience formation; lastly, it should be given practical expression by offering services that will enable anyone in trouble to find the necessary help.
Through joint educational activity in families and schools, efforts should be made so that these services become a "sign" and a message. Just as the community needs places of worship, it should sense the need to organize, especially at the diocesan level, educational and operational services to support human life, services that will be the fruit of charity and a sign of vitality.
6. The changing of laws must be preceded and accompanied by the changing of mentalities and morals on a vast scale, in an extensive and visible way. In this area the Church will spare no effort nor can she accept negligence or guilty silence.
I turn in particular to those young people who are sensitive to the values of our bodily nature and above all to the value of newly conceived life: may they be the first agents and beneficiaries of the work that will be done in the context of the apostolate of life."