Pope Francis "Let's go back to homework: Teach children to make the Sign of the Cross done well." FULL TEXT + Video

Catechesis on the Commandments: 6. Respect the name of the Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We continue the catechesis on the commandments and today we face today the commandment "You shall not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain" (Ex 20: 7). We rightly read this Word as the invitation not to offend the name of God and to avoid using it inappropriately. This clear meaning prepares us to deepen more these precious words, not to use the name of God in vain, inappropriately.

Let's listen to them better. The "You will not pronounce" version translates an expression that literally means, in Hebrew as in Greek, "you will not take it upon yourself, you will not take it upon yourself".

The expression «in vain» is clearer and means: «empty, vain». It refers to an empty envelope, to a form devoid of content. It is the characteristic of hypocrisy, of formalism and of lying, of using words or using the name of God, but empty, without truth.

The name in the Bible is the intimate truth of things and especially of people. The name often represents the mission. For example, Abraham in Genesis (see 17.5) and Simon Peter in the Gospels (cf. Jn 1:42) receive a new name to indicate the change in the direction of their life. And truly knowing the name of God leads to the transformation of one's life: from the moment when Moses knows the name of God, his story changes (cf. Ex 3: 13-15).
The name of God, in Jewish rites, is solemnly proclaimed on the Day of the Great Forgiveness, and the people are forgiven because through the name comes into contact with the very life of God who is mercy.

Then "taking upon ourselves the name of God" means taking on us his reality, entering into a strong relationship, in a close relationship with him. For us Christians, this commandment is the call to remind us that we are baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ", as we affirm every time we make the sign of the cross on ourselves, to live our daily actions in communion felt and real with God, that is, in his love. And on this, to make the sign of the cross, I would like to reiterate again: teach the children to make the sign of the cross. Have you seen how children do it? If you say to the children: "Make the sign of the cross", they do something that they do not know what it is. They can not make the sign of the cross! Teach them to name the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The first act of faith of a child. Task for you, task to do: teach children to make the sign of the cross.
One may ask: is it possible to take upon oneself the name of God hypocritically, as a formality, in a vacuum? The answer is unfortunately positive: yes, it is possible. One can live a false relationship with God. Jesus told him about those doctors of the law; they did things, but they did not do what God wanted. They talked about God, but they did not do God's will. And Jesus' advice is: "Do what they say, but not what they do". One can live a false relationship with God, like those people. And this Word of the Decalogue is precisely the invitation to a relationship with God that is not false, without hypocrisy, to a relationship in which we entrust ourselves to Him with all that we are. After all, until the day when we do not risk our existence with the Lord, touching with our hands that in Him we find life, we only make theories.

This is Christianity that touches hearts. Why are the saints so able to touch hearts? Because the saints do not just talk, they move! We move our hearts when a saint speaks to us, tells us things. And they are capable, because in the saints we see what our heart deeply desires: authenticity, true relationships, radicalism. And this is also seen in those "saints next door" who are, for example, the many parents who give their children the example of a coherent, simple, honest and generous life.

If Christians multiply taking upon themselves the name of God without falsehood - thus practicing the first question of the Our Father, "may your name be sanctified" - the Church's proclamation is heard more and is more credible. If our concrete life manifests the name of God, we see how beautiful is baptism and what a great gift is the Eucharist !, what a sublime union there is between our body and the Body of Christ: Christ in us and we in him ! United! This is not hypocrisy, this is truth. This is not to speak or to pray like a parrot, this is to pray with the heart, to love the Lord.

From the cross of Christ onwards, no one can despise himself and think badly of his own existence. Nobody ever! Whatever he did. Because the name of each of us is on the shoulders of Christ. He brings us! It is worthwhile to take upon us the name of God because He has borne our name to the end, even the evil that is in us; He took charge of forgiving us, to put his love in our hearts.
For this God proclaims in this commandment: "Take me on you, for I have taken you upon me". Anyone can invoke the holy name of the Lord, who is faithful and merciful love, in whatever situation he finds himself. God will never say "no" to a heart that sincerely invokes it. And let's go back to homework: teach children to make the sign of the cross done well.

GREETINGS in Various Languages:
Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française venant de France et d’autres pays. Comme l’ont fait les saints, que notre vie manifeste le nom de Dieu en vérité, sans hypocrisie ; l’annonce de l’Eglise sera de cette manière plus crédible. Que Dieu vous bénisse.

I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience. Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!

Ein herzliches Willkommen allen Brüdern und Schwestern deutscher Sprache, besonders den Pilgern der Diözese Graz-Seckau unter Leitung ihres Bischofs Wilhelm. Als Christen tragen wir den Namen Christi. Das bedeutet, dass wir mit unserem ganzen Leben Zeugen des lebendigen Gottes und seiner barmherzigen Liebe sind. Für dieses Zeugnis segne Gott euch und eure Familien!

Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española provenientes de España y América Latina. En la fiesta de la Coronación de la Virgen María, pidámosle a nuestra Madre del Cielo que nos ayude a invocar el nombre de Dios en todo momento, sabiendo que Dios nunca dejará de escuchar a quien acude a él con fe y esperanza. Que el Señor los bendiga. Muchas gracias.
Dirijo uma cordial saudação aos peregrinos de língua portuguesa, particularmente aos jovens lusitanos de Lijó e aos marinheiros brasileiros do Navio Escola “Brasil”. Queridos amigos, no batismo fomos santificados no nome da Santíssima Trindade. Peçamos a graça de poder viver os nossos compromissos batismais como verdadeiros imitadores de Jesus, o Filho de Deus, guiados pelo Espírito Santo, para a glória do Pai. Obrigado.
أرحب بمودة بالحاضرين الناطقين باللغة العربية، وخاصة بالقادمين من الأراضي المقدسة ومن الأردن ‏ومن 
الشرق الأوسط. تتعرض هذه الوصية لأهمية تقديس اسم الله وعدم استخدامه باطلا‎‏. إنها وصية تعلمنا أن ‏التلفظ باسم الله يجب أن يكون فقط لتمجيده ولتقديسه وليس أبدا لاستخدامه أو استغلاله؛ وتدعونا لأن نظهر، ‏بإعمالنا واقوالنا، عمق وعظمة الاسم القدوس الذي دعينا علينا. ليبارككم الرب جميعا ويحرسكم من الشرير‏! ‏

Witam serdecznie uczestniczących w tej audiencji Polaków. Szczególnie pozdrawiam wszystkich, którzy w tych dniach pielgrzymują na Jasną Górę, by uczestniczyć w niedzielnej Uroczystości Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej. Niech Królowa Polski prowadzi was i umacnia w wierze, byście odważnie głosili świtu święte imię Boga i świadczyli o Nim swoim życiem. Z serca błogosławię wasz pobyt w Rzymie, pielgrzymi trud i czas waszego wakacyjnego wypoczynku. Powierzam się waszym modlitwom podczas mojej bliskiej już podróży apostolskiej do Dublina. Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus.

In greeting the Italian-speaking pilgrims, my thoughts go to the tragedy that took place in recent days in Calabria near the Raganello stream, where hikers from various regions of Italy lost their lives. While I entrust those who have dramatically disappeared to God's merciful goodness, I express my spiritual closeness to their families, as well as to the wounded.

I am pleased to welcome the Dominican Missionary Sisters of San Sisto, on the occasion of their General Chapter, and the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Divine Mother.

I greet the parish groups, the "16arte" Association of Foglianise and the "Armonia" Choir of Credera and Moscazzano.

I address a particular thought to the young, the elderly, the sick and the newlyweds. Today is the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen. May the Mother of God be your refuge in the most difficult moments and teach you to love her Son with the same tenderness and exclusiveness with which you loved her. Pray also for me, so that the next trip to Dublin, on 25 and 26 August, on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families, is a moment of grace and listening to the voice of Christian families all over the world. God bless you all!
