The Northernforum reports that a Catholic Missionary priest was shot dead after saying Mass. This occurred in the Philippines. The killers shot the parish priest in Gattaran town in Cagayan on Sunday morning, April 29.

Initial investigations showed Ventura had just finished saying the Holy Mass in Barangay Piña Weste Gymnasium when a man in helmet walked near and shot him twice. He was proclaimed dead on the spot.
Police also said he was currently blessing the children and talking to the choir members when the assailants killed him.
In a statement, Tuguegarao Archbishop Sergio Utleg called the death of Ventura a “brutal and cowardly act.”
Read more at https://www.philstar.com/nation/2018/04/30/1810902/church-lost-dedicated-priest-death-fr-mark-ventura-tuguegarao-archbishop#zUQ9xhCY0k64M3JY.99
In a statement, Tuguegarao Archbishop Sergio Utleg called the death of Ventura a “brutal and cowardly act.”
“We just lost a young priest, zealous and dedicated, one who smelled like his sheep, to an assassin’s bullet right after he said Mass and was baptizing children,” Utleg said.
Read more at https://www.philstar.com/nation/2018/04/30/1810902/church-lost-dedicated-priest-death-fr-mark-ventura-tuguegarao-archbishop#zUQ9xhCY0k64M3JY.99
The suspect, together with the driver of the single motorcycle, fled towards the highway going Baggao town, the report added.
Police said motive has yet to determined.
Ventura was serving as the parish of San Isidro Labrador Mission Station based in remote Barangay Mabuno, also in Gattaran. Sources said he chose to be assigned in remote barangays because he is a missionary priest.
He also served as a rector at the St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in Lyceum of Aparri.
Edited from northernforum