#Nun Dies with Beautiful Smile and Leaves a Message - RIP Sister Cecilia - SHARE

Sister Cecilia Maria lived in the Monastery of Santa Teresa and San Jose, Santa Fe, Argentina. At 26 she made her first vows as a Discalced Carmelite and reaffirmed her vows in 2003. In January she was diagnosed with tongue cancer then it metastasized to the lungs. This caused her death at age 43.
Before leaving, religious wrote her last wish on a piece of paper:
 "I was thinking how I wanted my funeral. First pray, then make a big party. Do not forget to pray but also to celebrate!. "
The Carmel released this notice:
 Dear brothers, sisters and friends: Jesus! Just a few lines to let you know that our very dear little sister has softly fallen asleep in the Lord, after an extremely painful illness, which she always endured with joy and surrender to her Divine Spouse. We send you all of our affection, thankful for your support and prayer during this time that is so sorrowful and yet also so marvelous. We believe that she flew directly to heaven, but all the same, we ask that you do not fail to pray for her. From heaven, she will reward you. A warm embrace from your sisters of Santa Fe.

Edited from Prensalibre - Images Facebook - Curia Generalizia


Unknown said…
The article uses "she" and "her"...no mention of "his" or "him". God bless, Sister, and rest within the arms of your Savior. Pray for us, left here on earth, especially your wonderful and devoted Sisters in Christ.
Unknown said…
i believe that u are in heaven .pray for us Sister Cecilia.Amen
Unknown said…
The best gift we can give her is to pray for her. We may assume she is in heaven but we never know for sure. She may also be continuing her process of purification in purgatory. Let's pray for her as we also ask for her intercession.
Anonymous said…
May she rest in peace...
Unknown said…
Pray for us St Cecilia. May you rest in peace. May the smile on your face take you straight to heaven. Your suffering should remind us to offer our sufferings to God in reparation for our sins and for the souls in purgatory.
RUFUS said…
The BEST GIFT, she said, you can give ANYONE,
is a "small" Prayer !!
She was referring "small" to the Multiplication of the
Loaves & Fishes !!
Unknown said…
Sister pray for us from heaven amen
Unknown said…
what a beautiful ending, though make with pains. may God almighty rest you soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in perfect peace AMEN. Lord have mercy on me a sinner,may my end in this life be peaceful and may it bring glory to your holy name AMEN
Unknown said…
what a beautiful ending, though make with pains. may God almighty rest you soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in perfect peace AMEN. Lord have mercy on me a sinner,may my end in this life be peaceful and may it bring glory to your holy name AMEN
Unknown said…
what a beautiful ending, though make with pains. may God almighty rest you soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in perfect peace AMEN. Lord have mercy on me a sinner,may my end in this life be peaceful and may it bring glory to your holy name AMEN
Unknown said…
Amen.Pls pray for us
viper78912 said…
Amen! Please pray for us
Anonymous said…
Your smile left such an impact on me. Such happiness when departing sends a message that you are in heaven next to the lord. You suffered enough sister now resign in peace. Pray for us and watch over my family and friends. X
Anonymous said…
Can someone please explain purgatory? It seems as though when I read sacred scripture there is no mention of such place off purification but when I read Catholic Church history purgatory seems to have been manufactured to support financial investments. I want to understand this better. If there are any resources, id appreciate knowing about them. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Your smile indicates immediate peace so you are definitely in HEAVEN! Pray for me and I for you.
Anonymous said…
Heaven is yours Sister. Rest now and forever pray our broken world.
Anonymous said…
Heaven is yours Sister. Rest now and forever pray our broken world.
Unknown said…
May your soul rest in peace sister..let the christian knows jesus always be with us in your prayer up there..amen
Anonymous said…
As a converted Baptist, I struggled the most with the belief in purgatory. A wonderful priest explained it in a way I could understand and accept. He said that all sins must be atoned. Purgatory is simply that process of atonement in heaven...accountability to God for those sins we have not accounted for on earth. It's not a matter of not receiving God's forgiveness and Grace. That is always present for those who believe and ask for it. It's simply a matter of receiving purification of all sins, in order to meet face to face with God in our purest, unblemished form.

An example would be a believer who has fallen away from living a Christian life. He dies suddenly. Then you have a devout Christian who has served others throughout their life. The devout Christianwill receive their rewards So will the sinful believer. But he must acknowledge those sins before God upon his death. He explained that Purgatory is not a Place. It is a State of imperfection that most, if not all, humans possess. We are purified through God's grace.

I don't know if this makes sense to you, but it did to me.
Anonymous said…
It's the age-old Grace vs Works argument. There are many misconceptions that Catholics believe you have to work your way to Heaven. I'm Catholic but I think that is an over simplification. God expects us to strive for a sinless life. Some achieve this better than others. Jack the Ripper may have believed in God. Mother Theresa certainly did. Do they receive the same rewards in Heaven? Does Jack have to acknowledge his sins before God? I believe he does. That process is Purgatory. The process where we ALL are made perfect through God's amazing Grace and Forgiveness. I agree with the earlier poster tat purgatory is not a place but a process of purification.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful angelic and heavenly smile...rest in peace Sis Cecilia n pray for the suffering world. God bless your beautiful soul
Anonymous said…
Rev. 21:27. Ask yourself if you are that clean and spotless of sin that you can just enter such a holy place of heaven?
Here is an article about our belief in purgatory and why.
Unknown said…
Jesus, our beloved Savior, bless all of us to fall asleep in You with a Smile like Rev. Sr. Cecilia. She's so angelic, make us too the same.
Unknown said…
This is a reply to Jim Hennelly's comment. This is a good explanation of Purgatory by Brother Andre Marie.

"Let your generosity extend to all the living, do not withhold it even from the dead." – Ecclesiastes 7:32-33


Look at it this way; the duty of all Christians while on earth is to conform themselves to Christ, to become as much like Christ as possible. But at the time of death, everyone is in a different phase of this relationship, some are closer than others.

Jesus commands perfection, and St. Paul, speaking for Jesus, guarantees that it will be given. These are not the only places in Holy Scripture which refer to perfection, or completion of the supernatural life of grace. In fact, Holy Scripture, especially the Epistles, swarms with references to perfection and completion.

If perfection is not necessary, then the Bible not only commands something that is superfluous, but it is factually errant in its description of Heaven as a place inhabited by the “souls of the just men made perfect.” (Heb 11:23).

What happens if we die before we are “perfected” or “completed”? Do we go to Hell? Can we still be saved? If we die before achieving perfection, there is a place to undergo perfection. We Catholics call it Purgatory.

If we’ve died in the state of grace (righteousness, justice, friendship with God), we may still be defiled by sin, and nothing defiled enters the kingdom of Heaven. As it is written, “And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth 5, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (Apoc. 21:27)

Sin defiles a man. If not, then sin does not matter, and we can be saved regardless of whether we sin or not, whether we repent or not. If sin defiles us, there must be some way of being “undefiled” so that we can go to Heaven. What happens if we die before we are purged of our sins, or the effects of sin in this life?

Any purportedly Christian system which would deny this must necessarily deny the justice of God, which demands that “he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done” (Col. 3:25). Again, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Eccles. 12:14). God also demands that “every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Mt. 12:36). If the wrongdoer is punished for his wrongs, and the speaker is held accountable for his idle words, then God’s justice obliges punishment for every sin. So what happens if you have some sinful “idle words” on your soul when you die? What if you die in the grace of God, but have done some wrong that you have not repented of, even a little one?

If you go to Hell in this condition, then all sins — even light ones (venial sins), condemn people to Hell. This is not only harsh, but it contradicts the word of St. John in the Bible (1 John 5:16) which says that there is a sin “unto death” and a sin “not unto death.”

If you can still go to Heaven without having been forgiven your sins, then forgiveness of sins is not necessary. If forgiveness of sins is not necessary, then the believing Christian has, what may ironically be called, “the best of both worlds.” He can enjoy the “benefits” of the kingdom of Satan by sinning continuously, and be happy forever in Heaven immediately when he dies in his sins. But this contradicts Scripture, which shows that sin is not compatible with Heaven. And if not all sins merit Hell in the next world, then there must be a way for sin to be forgiven and expiated for before the soul enters Heaven. We call this way Purgatory.

The logical conclusion of rejecting the doctrine of Purgatory is this: Sin does not matter.

- Brother Andre Marie

I hope this helps!
Unknown said…
Then...if jesus was raised after 3 days...does this mean he needed purgatory too? If so...does this mean he waa a sinner? So confusing!!!
Anonymous said…
Rest in peace Sr Cecilia! Pray for all of us here in our continued journey back to God. May we follow your example in suffering with joy and ending our lives with smiles on our faces!
Unknown said…
I pray for you sister cecilia and may your soul rest in
daffodil said…
Smile, at her last breath is awesome and angelic..May her soul rest in peace
Anonymous said…
1corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 talks about purgatory
Wafso said…
Dear Sister of such a beautiful smile, the Merciful Lord shall give you rest in His arms. Please, pray for us, especially for our Franciscan missions and missionaries.

bro. Robert OFMConv.
Gdynia, Poland
Anonymous said…
How beautiful? A smile that conquers the ills of the world! My prayers to you as you enter a happy place... my namesake!
WAWERU said…
Sister, Rest in peace as you join the angels in the afterlife.
crybaby3o said…
Rest in Peace Sister.
Anonymous said…
I do believe that when her last breathe went out, she saw our Creator, that is why she has that smile... Rest in peace and pray for us...
Anonymous said…
He was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead and rose again on the third day. Jesus was like us in every way but sin. He was without sin, but to be like us fully he had to die just as we do. He did not need Purgatory. I am not a theologian, so I may be expressing this idea incorrectly, but in a way his descent into death may be the start of Purgatory. He goes with us into death and brings us out with him into his Kingdom.
Jeannette rolon said…
I agree with you her smile indicated she in peace and definitely when to heaven.she have very beautiful smile. Hope she pray for us from heaven.I will pray for her
goldrice said…
Purgatory....well to make it simple...the bible says that nobody unclean may enter heaven, so if you die you either go to heaven when you are perfectly pure or to hell if there is at least a dash of you of sin. But since our God is not that cruel, me myself confess that i myself am a great sinner, i do hope for a purgation or cleansing, a hope that i will not go directly to hell because of my sins, but the hope that this merciful God will be merciful to me and being just, cleanse me of my sins and let me enter heaven with Him.

This is very simple and biblical, and will help you understand Purgatory:

Anonymous said…
i have difficulties to understand her death..... i do not know waht gifts, talents, charisms i have , i am single and god did not give me a wife, i wanted so strongly to be a military and i work at a school with hot water , students laughing at me ...... soooooooooo hard to live !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Rest sweetly as your body lay in the earth while your spirit rises to heaven and be embraced by the Father.
석양이 said…
praying for you, beautiful sister Cecilia. Eternal rest in peace through the mercy of God.
stelig said…
May your soul rest in peace in the presence of our Lord. Amen
Bob said…
May the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. And may the love she showed on earth for our Lord and all those whom she came in contact with, be an example to all of us. May our troubled world find joy in suffering and unite it with Christ's suffering on the cross and offer it all for His honor, glory, and eternal praise.
Bob said…
With faith we always have our Lord, His Blessed Mother, and our Guardian angels. We are NEVER alone. Blessings
Unknown said…
May you rest in peace sister,if ever you see my son in heaven,please tell him that i love him and really miss him..
Mar Melchizedek said…
Also other grammar errors.
Mar Melchizedek said…
Also other grammar errors.
Unknown said…
Raj Satish said…
Rest in peace Sister what an amazing servant of God when you were on earth. As you are a saint now please pray for me and my family.
Raj Satish said…
Rest in peace Sister what an amazing servant of God when you were on earth. As you are a saint now please pray for me and my family.
Anonymous said…
It never ceases to amaze me how many Catholics are so quick to 'canonise' a soul who has died in the odour sanctity. It belongs to our Holy Mother the Church to canonise; our duty as members of the Church Militant, is to pray FOR a deceased member. None of us know God's justice and so we must have charity and pray for the dead, so that, if they are in Purgatory, they may be consoled, and we hope, admitted to the beatific vision of the Blessed Trinity.
Unknown said…
May Her soul rest in peace..God bless
Thomas Joseph said…
Can u show the word purgatory in Bible? If purgatory exist, then Jesus died on cross is vain. Hebrews 9:14(NKJV)

14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
Anonymous said…
please pray for me and all my loved ones when your already in heaven Sr. Cecilia.
If you understood the article is enough. But if you want it perfect, read the article in spanish.
johnchow said…
I think the Curia clarified that the photos of her were not at the moment of her death.
johnchow said…
I think the Curia clarified that the photos of her were not at the moment of her death.
Unknown said…
Pray for us Sister Cecilia. The world is evil now. We need your intercession to the Blessed Mother Mary and to our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Unknown said…
Look at this heartless man someone died and all he could think of is grammar errors. Sister Cecilia RIP.
Unknown said…
Look at this heartless man someone died and all he could think of is grammar errors. Sister Cecilia RIP.
Asuncion Jumuad Sy said…
Pray for us Sister Cecilia,we need peace in this world and to my family. Rest in Peace.
ActplusArt said…
Thanks for sharing. It will enrich mine too @ faithbricks.blogspot.com
ActplusArt said…
She smiles as the sun even at the sunset of death. What a wake at dawn unto the glorious sunshine of heaven.

I am praying
Please pray for me too
For I know, that you know
That I am here.
ActplusArt said…
She smiles as the sun even at the sunset of death. What a wake at dawn unto the glorious sunshine of heaven.

I am praying
Please pray for me too
For I know, that you know
That I am here.
Unknown said…
Thats a great blessing and joy to go to the creator. But, wht is the point of asking to pray for her. She could do something when she was alive on earth. Now God is in control of her soul. She xan do nothing to reward you. This us a false teaching in the church brought by the devil.This is not biblical. Be careful.
Unknown said…
Thats a great blessing and joy to go to the creator. But, wht is the point of asking to pray for her. She could do something when she was alive on earth. Now God is in control of her soul. She xan do nothing to reward you. This us a false teaching in the church brought by the devil.This is not biblical. Be careful.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Sister Cecilia for showing us that suffering for Jesus and for the salvation of souls is so beautiful.
May you now rest in peace and continue to pray for us here on earth.
Unknown said…
Can you show me a verse that says everything must be written in the Bible. For all I know even the word "Bible" cannot be found inside the bible.
Unknown said…
Amen. Dearest Sister Cecilia Maria, rest in the heavenly embrace of Our Lord.
Unknown said…
What a Happy Death! Truly you're in heaven now...pray for us Sister Cecilia. Amen! Kindly send my sweet kiss and regards to Mama Mary our Blessed Mother...Praise be Jesus now and forever!
Anonymous said…
There is no such mention of Purgatory in the bible nor is there any mention that a person who dies as anon practicing Christian can go to purgatory confess their sins then go to heaven this is purely a manifestation of mans/womans desire to excuse their behavior God says no man cometh unto The father but through me John 14:6 no where dose it say but you can live a life of wanton lustful sin I can forgive you after death. But you don't have to believe me if you want to know the truth about purgatory go to the bible yourself and test it not the catholic bible because it has been slightly changed which is why its called the catholic bible try any of the main stream bibles ......
Reneaux Ruiz said…
Dearest Sister,

I am not deserving, but try to save a place for me. I pray for you and celebrate your life. Your smile protects us all.

With love,

Reneaux Ruiz
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Unknown said…
Dear sister plz pray for me that my prayers always reach God........and he guides me and my family as always,,,and thank God for giving us Jesus ,who died on the cross for our sin and paid the price of sin concurred
death on the cross...amen...eternal rest grant unto her o lord and perceptual light shine upon her...her soul rest in peace...Amen.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Pray for my complete delivrance sister for i am tired of the many struggles in my life. I would like for God's will and not mine to accomplish in my life. I would like to trust Him completely, relying completely on His complete wisdom. I would like for Him to get me out of poverty and bless me so i can bless others. I would to finally experience my breakthrough He had prophetised over me through late sister Lisa. I would love to get pregnant, martued with my fiance and bless us tremendiously beyond our expectations so we have the honor to bless others as well. May your Soul rest into His powerful and loving Hands sister. I love you! Amen
Unknown said…
Pray for me sistee Maria Cecilia.
Unknown said…
Pray for me sistee Maria Cecilia.
Unknown said…
May your soul Rest in Peace sister.
Anonymous said…
+JMJ+ You are an inspiration Sr. Cecilia. I truly believe that you are already in Heaven with Jesus and the Father. Kindly say hello to our heavenly Father, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the angels and saints in heaven from my family. Please pray for all of us left here on earth. Thank you for being an inspiration to us. Love and prayers, Sheela
Anonymous said…
Thomas joseph, Understand that purgatory is only for those already saved prior to death. Its purspose isnt to save but to purify. So your agrument that if purgatory is real christ died in vain isnt pausible. As he died to save us. So if someone was to end up in purgatory they have already been saved. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines purgatory as a "purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven," which is experienced by those "who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified" (CCC 1030). It notes that "this final purification of the elect . . . is entirely different from the punishment of the damned" (CCC 1031)
" It is entirely correct to say that Christ accomplished all of our salvation for us on the cross. But that does not settle the question of how this redemption is applied to us. Scripture reveals that it is applied to us over the course of time through, among other things, the process of sanctification through which the Christian is made holy. Sanctification involves suffering (Rom. 5:3–5), and purgatory is the final stage of sanctification that some of us need to undergo before we enter heaven. Purgatory is the final phase of Christ’s applying to us the purifying redemption that he accomplished for us by his death on the cross."

choppy said…
you smile assure us your soul go directly to heaven. Please tell our God almighty that we love Him so much and please pray for us who are struggling here on earth. For my personal request Sister Cecilia, plas pray foe my soul and also for my family. Amen.
sutanto prabowo said…
Senyummu sungguh menampakkan wajah yesus. Doakan kami dari surga suster cecilia. Terutama umat katholik di Indonesia ini.
Unknown said…
The dead cannot pray for the living...why is everyone asking the dead person to pray...it is unbiblical.we need to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus who is forever making intercession for us cos He is alive and seated at the right hand of the Father.
Anonymous said…
may you rest in peace beloved sis cecilia.
girose said…
Pray for us sister Cecilia..
Unknown said…
i hope you are at peace with the lord above,god bless you sister cecilia
Unknown said…
I also wish to go to my Beloved Jesus like this way. Peace be with you sister in Jesus name.
Anonymous said…
may your soul rest in peace, Amen please dont forget us
NigelG said…
Also Jesus said in the bible that we are to be perfect just as he is. How are we to attain this state without some form of cleansing. We cannot enter heaven with even the slightest stain of sin. And you say where is the word purgatory in the bible. Sure it's not there. Where is the word bible or trinity, doesn't make them false. And are you saying that the holy spirit stopped enlightening us once the bible has been put together. If course not He continues to teach and move us on in our understanding of God and all His mysteries. Blessings to you.
NigelG said…
See my reply to Joseph just now. No fancy article although they are helpful, just that quote from Matthew , you must be perfect. We can't do that ourselves.
princess iania said…
I don't know but, I have a question, very simple. ... do u ppl read ur bibles. .? Do u really. .? Can someone tell me where in the bible mentioned the purgatory, where it says it...??? To go to heaven u must declare Jesus as Lord and savior, is about relationships, not ur mom or dad or priest will saved u, only Jesus saves, cause He was the only one who die for our sins, no the priest, no mom or dad..!!! Please get it clear before is too late....!
Anonymous said…
Guys please this is not about anyone's ego. Someone is dead and as to where she is going, I don't think anyone of us is qualified to say. That's a decision for God, our maker who is also the judge. So please........
Audie Michiels said…
Rest in Peace, my sister Caecilia...
Jesus loves you....
Anonymous said…
If God had a funeral maybe for once you would ask God to pray for you and pray to God . I pray every Romanist understands Our Heavenly Father is a Loving Heavenly Father . GOD BLESS ALL .

Signed .... a Catholic
Unknown said…
Thomas Joseph, can you please show me the word Trinity in the Bible?

Can you show me where the Bible says all Christian truth is only in the Bible?

In God's Love, Bob
Alex Pillai said…
GOD IS GREAT. Alex Pillai. India
vinodh said…
Amazing Sister please remember me in your prayers and guide me to die in lord as like you. Amen
Paul said…
God Bless You Sister Cecilia, may you find eternal rest in the arms of the Lord. Please pray for us in this troubled world.
Dixon Zachariah, Tangasserri, Quilon said…

Thank you lord for showing us how the grace of you can be achieved through the life of Sister Cecilia. to suffer for god and attain divinity ie to be with you. Our prayers to god for you Sister. Be kind to remember us while you are there with him.
All praise to our Lord our God.