Father Frank Martin, Australia's Longest-Serving Priest, Passes Away
Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
11 Mar 2016
11 Mar 2016
Father Frank Martin was Sydney's longest serving priest
Father Frank was ordained to the priesthood on 25 July, 1940 by Cardinal Gilroy, and served in various parishes including Daceyville, Camperdown, Penshurst, Enfield and Concord. Although Father Frank retired in 1981, he continued to serve and minister to people, even during his time at Stella Maris Nursing Home, Cronulla.
He was a priest for more than 75 years.
Last year, Father Frank was awarded with a papal honour, the Croce pro Ecclesia et Pontiface (Cross of Honour for the Church and Pope), for his "outstanding and very long and lasting devotion to the priesthood and to the Archdiocese of Sydney".
Bishop Terry Brady, auxiliary bishop of Sydney, presented the honour to him on 1 October last year, in the presence of family and friends.
He was nominated for the papal award by the Archbishop of Sydney, Most Rev. Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP.
A Vigil Mass will be held for Fr Frank at Stella Maris Nursing Home at 7pm on Monday 14 March.
A Vigil Mass will be held for Fr Frank at Stella Maris Nursing Home at 7pm on Monday 14 March.
The Mass of Christian Burial will take place on Tuesday 15 March at St Aloysius Church, Cronulla commencing at 11:00am.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Father Frank Martin with family and friends