Annegret Raunigk, a 65-year-old German woman with 13 children has given birth to quadrulets. She told media while pregnant 'I'm Not Afraid' Raunigk, is a Russian and English elementary school teacher from the Spandau borough of Berlin. She was implanted with four embryos which is illegal in Germany. They allow this only for women under 40. So she traveled to Ukraine to have the procedure. Raunigk made news in 2005, when she gave birth at age 55 to her 13th child, a daughter named Lelia. She told RTL that she sought the baby because all of Lelia's siblings are adults. The three boys and one girl were born premature at 26 weeks in a Berlin hospital and have "good chances of surviving." Annegret Raunigk, is close to retirement and is also grandmother to seven. This birth makes her the world's oldest mother of quadruplets. Her oldest daughter is reportedly 44. She is quoted as saying, "After the doctor discovered there were four, I had to give it some thought to begin with." According to reports she did not consider reducing the number of embryos and said she had no reservations.
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