Donate to Angela's Mission to the Yukon!
Hi there!
I’m originally from a small town in the Ottawa Valley, and growing up I thought of church and such activities as just a part of the schedule. I became more serious about my faith when the summer before high school I read a lot into Catholic/ Christian apologetics. During adoration at a Catholic youth conference that same summer, I began to believe in my heart what I knew in my head – Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. This began to change the approach of how I lived my life to be more outward focused. Since then, it has been a continuous conversion of surrendering myself to God’s love and trusting in His plans (this is still happening). Last year I was a missionary with N.E.T. Ministries of Canada and currently I’m in my first year of Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Ottawa. When not busy doing art projects, I love spending time with my family, going on adventures in the outdoors with friends, and playing ukulele. God is so good, and I feel blessed about going on the CCO mission to the Yukon this summer!
When I heard about this mission in the Yukon, I knew I had to go as I love Jesus, I want to be a witness of his love for others, and I’ve always wished to go to the Territories! God answered my prayers by giving me this chance to do a mission with CCO. I know that this experience will help me grow in my faith by learning more about how to share it with others.
Thank you for your support! Please pray for me and know that I am praying for you!
Please Donate to Angela's Mission to the Yukon! Be part of the mission of God's Word to the World!