Free Pro-Life Movie - Crescendo - Amazing Produced by Justin Bieber's Mother - SHARE - Watch in now...

Crescendo, a short film that has been globally heralded and has won over 11 international awards, was screened at 100 events across America! This groundbreaking short film by the producers of Bella, Eduardo Verastegui, Jason Jones and Leo Severino and executive producer Pattie Mallette, the mother of Justin Bieber!
Stars: ​ Ali Landry (Actress) Former Miss USA, model and actress.
​ Montserrat Espalde (Actress) Columbian actress who stars in Crescendo and the upcoming film, Little Boy.
Patrick Nuo (Actor) Swiss pop-star, model and actor. His debut album hit #13 in Germany.
​ Jennifer Cadena (Actress) Actress who stars in The Roomate, 
