Novena to St. Joseph Cupertino and Special Prayer for Exams - Patron of Students, Pilots and Disabled
This powerful prayer is very effective in examinations. It has to be said before appearing in the examination. There are two variants to this prayer. Both the prayers are equally effective.
You can choose any one of these:- First Prayer O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord. St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us. Amen.
Second Prayer O St. Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew. Grant that I may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of Examination eg. History paper I ) examination.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for me O Holy Ghost enlighten me Our Lady of Good Studies pray for me Sacred Head of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom, enlighten me. Remember, when you succeed in the exams then you should thank St. Joseph of Cupertino. Image Source: Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium.
He is patron of students doing exams, travellers (especially those undertaking journeys by air), pilots, and is invoked by children, adults and the elderly who are unloved, abandoned or neglected.
This powerful prayer is very effective in examinations. It has to be said before appearing in the examination. There are two variants to this prayer. Both the prayers are equally effective.
You can choose any one of these:- First Prayer O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord. St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us. Amen.
Second Prayer O St. Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew. Grant that I may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of Examination eg. History paper I ) examination.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for me O Holy Ghost enlighten me Our Lady of Good Studies pray for me Sacred Head of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom, enlighten me. Remember, when you succeed in the exams then you should thank St. Joseph of Cupertino. Image Source: Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium.
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He is patron of students doing exams, travellers (especially those undertaking journeys by air), pilots, and is invoked by children, adults and the elderly who are unloved, abandoned or neglected.
Dear St Joseph, you were an unwanted child and were thought worthless even by your own mother. Intercede for all unwanted children that they may come to know they were born out of God’s love for them. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you were an angry, frustrated child. We pray for all who struggle to express themselves, and that you help us overcome sins of anger. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you experienced no love in your family and were considered of little account by all who knew you. We pray for all who have experienced the same. May we learn to treat everyone as having the worth they have in God’s eyes. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you suffered because you found it difficult to learn. We pray for all those who struggle at school. May they take comfort from the fact that although learning wasn’t easy for you, this didn’t stop you from becoming a saint. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you did the best with the intelligence you did have and put the rest in God’s hands. That way you passed all your exams and became a priest. We pray for all those struggling with exams. May we also do our best in everything and trust in God to guide our lives. We pray especially for (mention your request. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, even the thought or mention of anything holy made you levitate in ecstasy. Grant us something of the understanding and reverence for God and his saints that you had. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, only when your superior ordered you to, were you able to come back down to earth. May we too have a love for and obedience to the teachings of the Church. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you were unjustly suspected, confined to your room and neglected by those charged with looking after you. You accepted all this with humility. We pray for all those unjustly imprisoned, and that we too may have the humility to accept injustice for the love of Christ. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, because you could levitate you are the patron of travellers, especially air travellers. We pray for all those travelling that they may safely reach their destinations. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

You have helped me so much, thank You very much.
Help me and my sister to pass all our exams with good marks and to study hard.
Thank You dear St. Joseph
Glory be to the Lord, HALLELUJAH
Please help me for my interview on June 2, 2015. Please Give me the strength and knowledge to answer all the questions and may the Visa officer will give me CSQ on that day...
MPJE Pharmacy Law Exam in RI. He feels that he failed. The first time he failed by one question. I have so much faith in you. Please have him get a passing grade on the exam he took today, June 5th. If he fails this time he will be losing his job. Please send us a miracle. Thank you
Please continue to intercede on his behalf that he remain focussed and do well in his other examinations.
Thank you! Amen!
Praising and thanking God thru Saint Joseph of Cupertino, my son passed the Nursing Board Exam
taken last May 30,31, 2015. God is Great! The novena prayer of Saint Joseph of Cupertino is indeed a powerful prayer!
To God be the Glory
O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for us
St Joseph may I only get the questions I know the answers to. Lord Jesus cover me with your blood and give me wisdom and let my nerves be calm,
Thank you in advance I believe and trust I will pass this test AMEN
Thank you St Jude, Mary mother of Jesus and St Joseph of Cupertino for interceding for me.
Thank you Jesus
in his first sitting. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Praise the Lord!
Ans worship you
please help me to pass my civil service exam this coming October 18, 2015..
Thank you so much for helping my husband and son passed their tests and exams for work and school. Praise and thanks be to God Almighty for you St Joseph of Cupertino and all the Saints and Angels in heaven.
St Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us.
St Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Our Lady seat of wisdom, pray for us
Angels in heaven and saints, pray for us.
to answer prayers for my sons in their studies and test. We thank you! Answered
prayers are such a blessing! I pray in Jesus Name. Amen
Oh St. Joseph of Cupertino please help me with my Nclex LPN exam that have been given me problem since 2012 ,help St. help me to succeed in January by the time l will be taken it again let be the last time i will be taken in January St .Joseph Cupertino enlighten me ,pray for me remove anxiety from me and help me come back to say thank you Our lady of Good studies and to say thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino . And pray for kids ,husband,and family too.
Thank you.
Please help me to pass my dental board examinations..
I thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for all the blessing
I leave this to you thy name of our heavenly father.
I ask you to help me pass my NCLEX RN exam this coming December 15 at 2pm. Please enlighten my mind and give me more strength as I prepare for this exam. Please guide me and give me the courage and faith to successfully pass the NCLEX RN board exam. Amen -- Hazel
I ask you to help me pass my RN NCLEX exam tomorrow. December 14, 2015 at 12pm. Please enlighten me and give me the strength to get through the exam.Give me the guidance, confidence. and faith to seuuceesfullymy RN NCLEX exam for my license. Amen. Dawn, RN
I humbly ask for your prayer for my son's NCLEX-RN test result to be in his favor please pray that he passed. Thank you and forever be grateful for your help. In Jesus name I pray!
Oh! St. Joseph of Cupertino, may God continue to use to help people in their time of need. Amen
Help me and give me the strength to study well for my exams. I have made many mistakes also wasted lot of time but now, I want to change and be humble, kind and good, put all my efforts concentrate and study for my exams for the next three months for 13 hours everyday so that I can fullfil my dreams aswell as my parents dreams for me and secure AIR-1 in ca final, may 2016. Help me give me the strength to concentrate only on studies nd my goals. I promise to may u known nd thank you when I succeed, I ask this In the name of lord ourJesus chirst and mother Mary who always answers our prayers. Amen
I thank you so much because I believe you have answered my prayer.
I'm in nursing school and I pray to for the strength and guidance to learn the material and do well in my exams. Allow me to be free of anxiety and confident in my knowledge. Allow me to comprehend test questions and enlighten me with the knowledge to answer them correctly.
I believe God has helped get on this path. Please continue to guide me and bless me the courage and faith to be successful. As a nurse I hope to honor God and do my part in healing and helping others.
In the name of Jesus pray for me.
I'm in nursing school and I pray to for the strength and guidance to learn the material and do well in my exams. Allow me to be free of anxiety and confident in my knowledge. Allow me to comprehend test questions and enlighten me with the knowledge to answer them correctly.
I believe God has helped get on this path. Please continue to guide me and bless me the courage and faith to be successful. As a nurse I hope to honor God and do my part in healing and helping others.
In the name of Jesus pray for me.
Thank You. Deb H
My results are going to be declared tomorrow, I haven't done my best in my examinations, I know that I've only wasted all my time instead of studying seriously. I really do regret that.
I request you to bless me and make the results in my favour, I can't afford to lose a year. Please answer my prayers, I want to post a testimony of my success, I promise I will work hard from now on, please St.Joseph help me get promoted to the next class without any hurdles in my way. Amen.
our Lord Jesus and to you St. Joseph of Cupertino to please pray for me and grant me that my results will be in my favour. Thank you always in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for helping me pass the 2nd part of the state exam for casualty insurance. I know without your intercession I would have failed or would of had a very difficult time taking the exam.
Thank You
Deb H.
Nothing is impossible with God! Glorifying His Name above every other name thru His Saint, St. Joseph of Cupertino, I passed my oral examination on my dissertation.
Oh St. Joseph of Cupertino, may your name be known all over the earth! May the name of the Lord be glorified for ever and ever. Amen.
Powerful St. Joseph, heed my call and interceed on my behalf that success, favor and victory be mine in Jesus name. Amen. May I find favor with the Judge and with all that I meet. Amen.