Novena to St. Joseph Cupertino and Special Prayer for Exams - Patron of Students, Pilots and Disabled

This powerful prayer is very effective in examinations. It has to be said before appearing in the examination. There are two variants to this prayer. Both the prayers are equally effective. 
You can choose any one of these:- First Prayer O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. Through Christ our Lord. St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us. Amen. 
 Second Prayer O St. Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew. Grant that I may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of Examination eg. History paper I ) examination. 
 In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked. O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for me O Holy Ghost enlighten me Our Lady of Good Studies pray for me Sacred Head of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom, enlighten me. Remember, when you succeed in the exams then you should thank St. Joseph of Cupertino. Image Source: Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium.
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He is patron of students doing exams, travellers (especially those undertaking journeys by air), pilots, and is invoked by children, adults and the elderly who are unloved, abandoned or neglected.
Dear St Joseph, you were an unwanted child and were thought worthless even by your own mother. Intercede for all unwanted children that they may come to know they were born out of God’s love for them. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you were an angry, frustrated child. We pray for all who struggle to express themselves, and that you help us overcome sins of anger. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you experienced no love in your family and were considered of little account by all who knew you. We pray for all who have experienced the same. May we learn to treat everyone as having the worth they have in God’s eyes. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you suffered because you found it difficult to learn. We pray for all those who struggle at school. May they take comfort from the fact that although learning wasn’t easy for you, this didn’t stop you from becoming a saint. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you did the best with the intelligence you did have and put the rest in God’s hands. That way you passed all your exams and became a priest. We pray for all those struggling with exams. May we also do our best in everything and trust in God to guide our lives. We pray especially for (mention your request. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, even the thought or mention of anything holy made you levitate in ecstasy. Grant us something of the understanding and reverence for God and his saints that you had. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, only when your superior ordered you to, were you able to come back down to earth. May we too have a love for and obedience to the teachings of the Church. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, you were unjustly suspected, confined to your room and neglected by those charged with looking after you. You accepted all this with humility. We pray for all those unjustly imprisoned, and that we too may have the humility to accept injustice for the love of Christ. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Dear St Joseph, because you could levitate you are the patron of travellers, especially air travellers. We pray for all those travelling that they may safely reach their destinations. We pray especially for (mention your request). Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.


osward kalonga said…
through his novena has helped me to know korean language.l thank GOD almight l praise you Father through CHRIST our lord amen

kate said…
Through this novena has taught me to pray for others.touched the lives of many.thanks to God almighty and to our st.Joseph
Anonymous said…
Many thanks St Joseph my husband and son have become better students and we are hopeful for successful exam results.
Anonymous said…
please pray my daughter Kathleen does well on her two toughest final exams in 4 years of science and math, she has them both on the same day. thank you
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for prayers answered.
Unknown said…
thank you so much st.Joseph for helping me through my exams,I passed the LET exams, your so answered my prayer, hopefully my sister will be next to pass the LET exams. thank you so much for everything..
Unknown said…
Dear St Joseph..please help me pass my exam.Give me the strength and knowledge to answer the questions and to gain the result I need.
prayers for son, mom said…
Dear St.Joseph, Please I beg you to bless my son with confidence to write the mcat exams next month. God to remove all confusion. Make his path clear to medical college. Blessings to score high in exams and get medical seat right away with no gap year. Bless with all the needed gpa and requirements today! Please bless with this miracle so that I can come back here with my testimony of thanks giving and praises, Amen.
Stefani said…
Dear St. Joseph,
You have helped me so much, thank You very much.
Help me and my sister to pass all our exams with good marks and to study hard.

Thank You dear St. Joseph
Glory be to the Lord, HALLELUJAH
Anonymous said…
Thank You! St. Joseph, You answered my prayers.Amen!
Unknown said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino,

Please help me for my interview on June 2, 2015. Please Give me the strength and knowledge to answer all the questions and may the Visa officer will give me CSQ on that day...
Anonymous said…
St . Joseph of Cupertino Please help me for my interview later,guide me and give me strength to answer all the question given to me. Amen
Anonymous said…
Again. Thank you St. Joseph for seeing my son through some difficult exams. Please continue your guidance and allow him to pass his finals and know the questions before him. St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for Pete. God Bless and Amen.
Anonymous said…
10 As and 2Bs all this with the help of saint Joseph of Cuppertino God works in wonderful ways
Anonymous said…
Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass my promotional exam.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino pls help me pass the let board exam. I in trust to you everything. Be my guidance. This I pray in your holy name. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Please St. Joseph of Cupertino please let my son have passed the
MPJE Pharmacy Law Exam in RI. He feels that he failed. The first time he failed by one question. I have so much faith in you. Please have him get a passing grade on the exam he took today, June 5th. If he fails this time he will be losing his job. Please send us a miracle. Thank you
Anonymous said…
Thank you God Almighty for passing my exam. All glory to You!! Thank you St. Joseph and St. Aquinas for intervening in my behalf! Amen!
Unknown said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for interceding on behalf of my grandson. He passed the common entrance examination and he is pleased with the secondary school he has passed for. To God be the glory.

Please continue to intercede on his behalf that he remain focussed and do well in his other examinations.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Almighty for hearing my prayer for this exam. Thank you St. Cupertino and St. Aquinas for intervening on my behalf. Thank you ! Amen!
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my grandson who will be taking the MCAT on June 20,2015. Please continue to intercede on his behalf that he will do well.

Thank you! Amen!
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino! With Gods help, you have guided me through Nursing school. Now I am on my way to PASS the NCLEX Exam! These 11 months I have been led by Jesus, I strongly believe he will not abandon me in my time of need. St. Joseph of Cupertino, every exam I took I pleaded for you to enlighten me and you did! I am asking the same as I prepare to and take the NCLEX Exam. Thank You Jesus! Thank You St. Joseph of Cupertino!
Unknown said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino and St Thomas Aquinas with Papa Jesus Please help me to pass the board exam for Social Worker on July 29 to 30 2015 it is my 5th times to take the board,because of Papa Jesus I wont give up I believe that this time I you will pass through your help and guidance .Please guide me teach me enlighten and help me in my preparation for my family please guide me St Joseph of Cupertino and St Thomas Aquinas ..Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino, please help me pass all my qualifiers and all the test and exams I have to take. Intercede for me. St Joseph of Cupertino, Thank you so much for your help and your intercession.
Nelson B. Maturan said…

Praising and thanking God thru Saint Joseph of Cupertino, my son passed the Nursing Board Exam
taken last May 30,31, 2015. God is Great! The novena prayer of Saint Joseph of Cupertino is indeed a powerful prayer!
Anonymous said…
Thank you God Almighty for me passing me exam. It was a very difficult exam. Thank you St. Joseph and St. Aquinas for intervening on my behalf. These prayers are very powerful and God listens to them. He is a Great God! Pray and have faith in HIM and He will carry you through!
La said…
St. Joseph Cupertino please pray for me that I pass my social studies certification test so that I may accept the teaching position that has been offered to me. Please pray for my friend whom is taking the biology certification test tomorrow so he may too receive the job that has been offered to him. In your name we pray and trust. Help us open our minds that are able to have the knowledge to pass out tests, in God 's name we pray.
Anonymous said…
Thank you God for allowing to pass my exam. Thank you St. Cupertino and St. Aquinas for intervening on my behalf. Please let me able to pass the exam today and tomorrow as well as finish my project without any issues. I am forever grateful to God Almighty. My love for YOU knows no bounds. You will lead me through. Amen
Anonymous said…
Thank you God for allowing me to pass my exams. thank you St. Cupertino and St. Aquinas for interceding on my behalf. It has been an intense week. Please continue to help me as I finish projects and other exams. I need the wisdom that You granted King Solomon. Please help me. Amen.

Anonymous said…
Thank you St Joseph for assisting me in my exams and helping me pass it.I will be forever grateful and I hope to show you even more gratitude by visiting you in your sanctuary on Sunday. Assist me in the rest of my exams and pray the Lord to grant me success,Amen!
Anonymous said…
Dear St Cupertino pray to God for the success of my son in his Board Certification exams he is about to write this month and next month. Amen
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot saint Joseph of Cupertino I passed my common entrance exam and got the school of my choice.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino please assist me in my upcoming exam to earn my certification in SHRM-CP. Thank you. I will be forever grateful and promise to make you known and be invoked.
Anonymous said…
Please St Joseph. My daughter, like you suffers from learning difficulties. Please, I pray that she passed her VCLA exam last week. My novena to you and prayers to St Anthony and St Jude are for her success so she can continue her undergraduate studies and live her dream of teaching Special Education. Thank you for hearing my prayers.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my son, Marc. May God grant him to pass the PTA Board Exam which he is taking now. Please intercede on his behalf. We promise to make you known. In Jesus name, AMEN!
Unknown said…
Dear st. Joseph of Cupertino, thank you for interceding in my grand daughter SEA examine she pass for the school of her choice and she is please .

To God be the Glory
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, I passed my PMP exam but you know that already, don't you? :-D Thank you, thank you!
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, Thank you so very much for helping me passed my qualifiers and exams/tests for my work. You have helped me passed the rest of them with flying colors, thank you so much for interceding for me. I praise and give God thanks for you St. Joseph of Cupertino, and all his angels and saints. Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. Glory and Praise to God.
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for your intercession, in behalf of my son, Marc. He passed the PTA Board Exam last July 8. We promise to make you known. To God be the glory!
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino I humbly pray for God's Blessings that my daughter Yvonne Dominguez Arenas may be able to pass her Pharmacy Board Licensure Exam that she will take on Saturday and Sunday of the month July 18-19, 2015.

O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for us
Anonymous said…
Please help my brother in law Tim pass his BAR exam on 7/29/2015, and for myself, Dean, to pass my CFP exam on the 7/28/2105. St. Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us!
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph de Cupertino; I ask that you will intercede for me this afternoon as I take my DMV exam
St Joseph may I only get the questions I know the answers to. Lord Jesus cover me with your blood and give me wisdom and let my nerves be calm,
Thank you in advance I believe and trust I will pass this test AMEN
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino, I humbly beg for your guidance on passing my Psychometrician Board Exams this coming July 21-22. Tuesday and Wednesday. And thank you for all the guidance St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino I ask that you answer my prayer and help me pass my PT exam .August 6th.Please and thank you and i will let you be known .....
Unknown said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino please help me pass the Board Exam for Psychometricians, tomorrow and on Wednesday. Please. I beg you. Guide me. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Oh Dear St.Joseph of Cupertino, help me pass my NCLEX RN exam as I prepared myself to take it next month. In return I will let you be known to everyone and every students. I thank you in advance dear St. Joseph of Cupertino and thank you Lord. Through Christ my Lord I pray. Enlighten me and guide me in the NCLEX RN exam, oh St.Joseph of Cupertino.
Anonymous said…
Dear brothers and sisters, please help me in prayer to st Joseph so I pass my exams and go into forth year...
Anonymous said…
Please holy st.joseph as i will be doing my english test on the 22nd of august please holy st.joseph make me get B in each sub test and please make me pass in my english test. Thank you holy st.joseph
NBM said…
Thanking God thru Saint Joseph of Cupertino, I pass the Design Hearing for my doctoral dissertation. Praise the Lord!
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino. I thank you for Passing my Licensure Examination For Teacher. .Thank You So much.
Anonymous said…
Thank you God for helping pass my exams these past few weeks despite all the negative circumstances. Thank you both St. Joseph or Cupertino and St. Aquinas for intervening on my behalf. Please continue to do so as I continue this course and as i go through this very difficult time in my life. Amen.
Prajusha said…
Dear St.joseph, thank you very much for helping me today to clear my pmp exam.
Prajusha said…
Dear St.joseph, thank you very much for helping me today to clear my pmp exam.
Prajusha said…
You are truly living God, thank you again. Without your support and Christ mercy this would have not happen.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much St Joseph of Cupertino for all your prayers and intercession with Our Almighty Father , we have just found out that our darling daughter has achieved the results needed to secure her place to study Medicine , you are a wonderful Saint so kind and thoughtful. I would also like to encourage mothers to pray to St Therese of Lisieux for their daughters and St Anthony of Padua for their sons and Our Lady Untier of Knots for everything ! Thank you so much Almighty Father for hearing my prayers.
Anonymous said…
Thank you very much St Joseph of Cupertino for your powerful prayers, my daughter passed the NPTE she took last July. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers!
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my daughter to do well in her final exams.Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for prayers answered.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino looked out for me on my exam day. Pray to him and he will intercede on your behalf!
Anonymous said…
Please holy st.joseph as i will be doing my english test on the 22nd of august please holy st.joseph make me get B in each sub test of the test please holy st.joseph make me pass my english test.thank u holy st.joseph
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph, please help my son do well on the GRE tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
I've had a history with failing classes but ever since I started calling on St. Joseph for help, I've been doing much better and passing exams! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino thank you for all the blessings you have given us especially to my children. Again, I would like to ask another favor from your powerful prayer to help my daughter pass the comprehensive examination for master degree in guidance and counseling scheduled tomorrow august 14 and august 17. Please give her strength, wisdom, confidence and guide her mind and hands to be able to answer correctly all the questions that she will encounter during the exam with the help of the Holy Spirit and Mama Mary's intercession. Please grant my prayer for my daughtet. Please include her in your prayers and be with her during the exam. May your name be widely known and invoked so that more people will known you more deeply through your novena and prayer. AMEN.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino please guide me, stir me in the right direction and help me retain all the knowledge and information to successfully pass the NCLEX-RN exam that I am preparing for. Thank you so much!
Anonymous said…
Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupertino for being the hope and strength for my son. Please give him the knowledge and support he needs today to pass his Chemistry exam. You know that we believe in you and that you are always in our hearts. Please by your divine presence allow him to channel all that he has learned to pass this exam. Please grant my prayer and may you be invoked and known by all. You had a difficult life as a child and were not given the love nor the respect you should have been given. My heart cries for the sadness you had to endure and I hope that our love for you and the love of so many others gives you joy and happiness. I know that the Lord has you in a very special place.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino, I am forever grateful to you. You made me pass all the exams I wrote in past with your intercession. And today for my road test, you helped me again. Indeed, no prayer is too big or too small for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! -LV-
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for seeing my daughter through her 3rd year law exams right after her recovering from a memory loss. Please continue your guidance and allow her to pass all exams for the rest of her life. St. Joseph of Cupertino pray pls intercede for Anisha, Parishudh and Pratyash. Praise the Lord
Anonymous said…
I thank St. Joseph of Cupertino for interceding to our Heavenly Father on my behalf in passing one of the four parts of the CPA exam. I am praying this Novena in preparation for the second part. The power of prayer is just so amazing! God is good all the time!
Anonymous said…
Through your intercession St. Joseph of Cupertino , please pray that my son Miguel Carlos will pass all his 1st quarter exams with good marks. May the Holy Spirit be his guide with knowlege and wisdom. To God be the glory. Thank you.
wicc said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupertino as my mother win her trial court. Thank you for the prayers. To God be the Glory. Amen
Anonymous said…
St Joseph Cupertino please intercede on Friday 9/11 as my son, Jarrod takes his MCAT exam. May the Holy Spirit guide him to a clear and peaceful mind and through your guidance answer all the questions as he has studied. I ask this in Jesus' name knowing that all things are part of God's plan for us understanding that the results, as well, will be part of his plan for Jarrod. Also praying for peace for this week as the exam approaches. Clear mind to review things and finish this long preparation and studying. Asking all in Jesus' name with the intercession of St Joseph Cupertino
Rosemary said…
St Joseph Cupertino please intercede for me as I continue writing my exams tomorrow till the 18 of September I believe that through your grace I would succeed in this exams, because it really means a lot to me. Amen
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino please help me in our upcoming LET this September 27,2015..I come before you with all my heart..God,pls. enlighten my mind in every possible questions that I may encounter. Guide me lord to the correct answer. ..I believe that through your help I can make this to the best!I ask all of this in Jesus name through the intercession of St.Joseph of Cupertino,Amen!
Anonymous said…
Please St.Joseph Cupertino,intercede with me and help me to pass my Let exam this September 27. I beg you to Guide me In Jesus Name I pray. Amen
Anonymous said…
It was purely by the Grace of God I was able to pass my University second year exam, English exam and also UKCAT exam.
Thank you St Jude, Mary mother of Jesus and St Joseph of Cupertino for interceding for me.

Thank you Jesus
Anonymous said…
St.Joseph Cupertino please guide my sister and enlighten her mind to take the LET examation this coming September 27,2015. Amen.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino, please pray for us that we may obtain a like favor of yours in the CPA board examinations this coming October 3,4,10,11. Almighty God, please help us to analyze carefully and recall the concepts, formulas and procedures which will be questioned during our exam.

Anonymous said…
Thank you for your powerful intercession, St. Joseph of Cupertino! I have passed all of my written comprehensive exams despite their difficulty. Thank you, Almighty Father for hearing our prayers. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for helping my son to get a 2300 score on the SAT
in his first sitting. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Praise the Lord!
Anonymous said…
I prayed this novena prior to my exam. I was at day #3 and one of my prayers were answered. Thanks you dear lord for answers prayers. I will cont to bless your name
Ans worship you
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, I pray that I may have success in some upcoming technical certifications for telecommunications JCNIP-SP and the JNCIE-SP. All glory and honor to God and thank you St. Joseph for your intercession.
Anonymous said…
Dear St.Joseph of Cupertino, please help me to pass the LET Exam this Sept.27 guide me and enlighten my mind, give me wisdom and knowledge so that i can obtain an 80% rating. I believe through your help I can make it. I ask all of this in Jesus name through the intercession of St. Joseph of Cupertino Amen...
Anonymous said…
Thank you for hearing our prayers! My son passed his written boards. I believe in the power of prayer. Thank you God for all your blessings.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for helping me pass my anatomy exam! I don't think i could've done it without the help of God.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my son, Shawn. May God grant him to pass his final exams excellently which he is taking in a month's time. Please intercede on his behalf. I promise to make you known. In Jesus name, AMEN!
Anonymous said…
I thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for again interceding and praying for us to our Heavenly Father. I passed another part of the CPA exam. 2 down and 2 to go. I am now asking that you please intercede for my husband as he's taking his important exam next week. I believe in the power of prayer and lift him up so that he may receive the guidance and wisdom needed to do great and receive successful results. God is good all the time!
Unknown said…
Dear St.Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my son to pass his ECE board exam this month of October. May our dear God grant him to pass his board exam. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please intercede for me on October 19,2015 when I take my NCLEX RN examination. Please guide me, stir me in the right direction and retain the knowledge and materials that I am studying for right now. Please give me the courage and faith to successfully pass the NCLEX RN board exam. Amen!
Anonymous said…
please help me to pass my civil service exam this coming October 18, 2015..
Belle Taurean said…
Through the prayer of St. Joseph of Cupertino, the Almighty God granted my intention to pass the Board Exam of Guidance Counselors last August 5-6, 2015 in Sampaloc, Manila. Nothing is impossible through the power of God.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for prayers St Joseph.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph Cupertino, in the name of our Father, please help my daughter pass her medical exams that are fast approaching. She is so afraid and feels it is impossible for her to pass and that she does not know one thing. That is the fear she feels. I thank you with all my heart and soul for your prayers for my daughter and all who need your intersessions.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your prayers St Joseph of Cupertino I promise to make you known amd caused you to be invoked.. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Unknown said…
Dear St Joseph, in the name of the almighty and Jesus christ, Kindly help me pass my driving Test Tomorrow. please i need the driving permit so much and it means so much in ma life and the life of my family, May you intercede and come to my rescue. MAY THE GOOD LORD GOD AND MOTHER MARY HELP ME THROUGH. AMEN
Carol said…
Dear St Joseph, Help me to regain my trust in Lord. My faith seems to be no good, many things happening in life have made me scared and worried. I have exams coming up in November but I am unable to study like before. I am very scared, the trust of my parents in me is making me still worried. Give me the strength to study well and do good in exams. Help me to work hard and think only about my exams and give me best and leave everything else to God. It is said the whatever is asked in good faith is never left unheard, hear my prayers. St Joseph pray for us. Jesus Mary and the holy sprit be with us now and forever. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino,
Thank you so much for helping my husband and son passed their tests and exams for work and school. Praise and thanks be to God Almighty for you St Joseph of Cupertino and all the Saints and Angels in heaven.

St Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us.
St Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Our Lady seat of wisdom, pray for us
Angels in heaven and saints, pray for us.
Unknown said…
St Joseph of Cupertino, please assist my son as he takes the fireman exam tomorrow....St Joseph Pray for him!!

Tenshi moyo said…
Thank you for helping me pass my exam. I passed with flying colors a class I was doing bad in the prior semester
Letty said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino thank you so much for making my daughter pass her Rad tech exam. This time my other daughter will take an exam please help her. Thank you !
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino thank you so much for interceding and the guidance during my NCLEX RN exam. I PASSED! Please continue to guide me and my family in all our undertakings.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino thank you so much for your intercession and guidance during my NCLEX RN exam. I PASSED! Please continue to guide me and my family in all our undertakings.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino thank you so much for your intercession and guidance during my NCLEX RN exam. I PASSED! Please continue to guide me and my family in all our undertakings.
anonymous said…
Ohhh St. Joseph of Cupertino... please pray for me and the rest of all the 7000 plus baristas as we take the bar exam for four Sundays of November starting this November 08, 2015. Please pray with us .
Anonymous said…
Please St Joseph of Cupertino, We need your prayers to help my daughter,Lindsey, to pass her Infectious Disease exam to go forward in her career. You have been at her side for the past few years as she has gone forward with this choice. It never seems to get any easier, and we are turning to you, one again for help and guidance to make it to the finish line! We are so ever grateful for your prayers and assistance. This test is really important. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Anonymous said…
Please St Joseph of Cupertino, I pray for my daughter's boyfriend to pass his PT board exam tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Please St Joseph of Cupertino, I need your prayers for someone very dear to us to pass the NPTE he took recently.
Unknown said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino, please help our son who is going through difficult times in his first semester at UC Berkeley. Please pray for him and ask the Holy Spirit to guide him in his studies. All this we ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, please pray that my daughter Sara passes her medical school exams on her first writing that are this month November 2015. She is so terrified of these exams and feels she does not know a thing. Please pray that she feels a bit more confident and less afraid and not filled with so much anxiety for her upcoming exams. Thank you for helping my daughter in her last exams and for helping all who pray to you for your assistance.
Anonymous said…
saint joseph of cupertino please pray for me to pass the board exam taken last sept.i need your prayer in Jesus name AMEN!
Abbymybaby2 said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my son passes his Nclex-Rn exam in Dec 2015. Please pray for him to enlighten him as he take the exam, free him from anxiety and worries. Ability to comprehend the test questions and answer them correctly! I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino, you worked wonders! Amen!. Thanks for helping me and guiding me to pass my exams!!
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino our prayers have been answered, and know you will continue
to answer prayers for my sons in their studies and test. We thank you! Answered
prayers are such a blessing! I pray in Jesus Name. Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear St.Joseph Cupertino , please pray for my daughter passes her clas 12th exams with good marks,she is suffering from anxiety and fear during her exams times, please pray that she is more confident.Thank you for helping my daughter.I need your prayer,,,In Jesus name AMEN.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, you have answered my prayers and others who pray to you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please, I come to you again asking you to pray for my daughter Sara as she is about to write her 3 medical school exams in Australia on November 16, 17 & 18. Please pray that she will feel calm and relaxed while writing her exam and most importantly that she passes all 3 exams on the first attempt. I thank you and ask this in the name of Jesus AMEN.
Anonymous said…
thank you to St. Joseph Cupertino for helping me pass both my Anatomy physiology and lab exam!
Anonymous said…
Dearest Saint Joseph of Cupertino, you know how nervous I am of this exam I will be taking in the morning. Yet, God stays beside me as a constant reminder that all will be well. Please help me trust in Him. Please help me get at least B on this exam to keep my overall grade below a C in Chemistry. Thank you my dearest brother in Christ.
Abbymybaby2 said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my son to pass his nclex licensure exam in Dec 14. Please pray for him on the day of his test to free him from anxiety and worries and help him to answer all the questions correctly. I pray in Jesus name. amen!
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, thank you for praying for my daughter Sara Stephensen. We now wait for her marks. Please pray that she has successfully passed all three of her exams. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. May God bless and keep all persons who are worried about exams. Fear not. God will be beside you and guide you. Thank you for praying for my daughter Sara that she has passed the 3 medical school exams that she has just completed. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, please pray for me in my Nclex exam this DEc. 8. Please guide me that i may be able to answer the questions correctly. Please make me calm and decrease my anxiety in the time of my exam. I pray in Jesus name, Amen...
Lucky Chan said…
Please pray for all the takers of the Philippine Society of Pathologists' Residency In-Service Examinations on November 21-22, 2015, especially the USTH Pathology Residents. Please help us not just to pass, but to do well, and let not all of our hard work and long hours of studying be in vain.
Ashleigh said…
Thank you so much Saint Joseph for helping me pass my Chemistry exam with an A!!!!

Flory Jean said…
For helping me pass the Mechanical Engineering Licensure exam, I want to sincerely thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino. Thank you for guiding me when I took my exam. Indeed, a prayer is such a powerful tool to succeed in all our endeavors. With my most sincere heart, THANK YOU GOD. THANK YOU JESUS. THANK YOU SAINT JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO. THANK YOU MOTHER MARY for answering my prayers.
Omo said…

Oh St. Joseph of Cupertino please help me with my Nclex LPN exam that have been given me problem since 2012 ,help St. help me to succeed in January by the time l will be taken it again let be the last time i will be taken in January St .Joseph Cupertino enlighten me ,pray for me remove anxiety from me and help me come back to say thank you Our lady of Good studies and to say thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino . And pray for kids ,husband,and family too.
Thank you.
Tan said…
Dear St. Joseph, please pray for me that I may pass the nursing board exam. I know that God has given you so much blessings back when you have taken your exam. Please help me. This is for God and His greater glory. I will be forever thankful to you and God. Thank you
Anonymous said…
I would like to say thank u Lord for giving me ST. JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO as my patron saint for my BOARD EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS conducted Last September 27,2015. Thank you for granting my prayer through his intercession Lord God. I successfully passed my EXAM. I am now a LICENSED TEACHER because of GOD's LOVE and Mercy and by the help of ST. JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO God blessed my exam same as the blessing he had given to ST. JOSEPH during his examination..I LOVE YOU LORD GOD.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for answering my prayer of my daughter passing her medical school examinations. She received her results yesterday and has passed all 3 examinations. She now is able to start her second year of medical school. The words thank you seem so inadequate for what has happened. I will make your name known and not be forgotten. Thank you also for bringing my daughter safely home for her break to be with her family. Amen.
JAT said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino,,

Please help me to pass my dental board examinations..

I thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for all the blessing

I leave this to you thy name of our heavenly father.

Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, please help me pass this board exam I am about to take. In Jesus name I ask and pray... AMEN
Anonymous said…
O'Holy Saint Joseph of Cupertino, I ask that you may help me as I prepare, and when I take my upcoming math test, so that I may have a retentive memory and be asked only the questions in which I know. I ask that you help me to pass, so that I may be able to enter the teaching profession and help future children. I pray to you, Our Lady, and God to guide me and stay with me as I prepare and take this test. Thank you. EO
Anonymous said…
St Jospeh Cupertino I pray for my nephew Tony to get a high school on his ACTs tomoroew AM. Please help him chose the right answers in Jesus name i ask and pray
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino.

I ask you to help me pass my NCLEX RN exam this coming December 15 at 2pm. Please enlighten my mind and give me more strength as I prepare for this exam. Please guide me and give me the courage and faith to successfully pass the NCLEX RN board exam. Amen -- Hazel
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino,

I ask you to help me pass my RN NCLEX exam tomorrow. December 14, 2015 at 12pm. Please enlighten me and give me the strength to get through the exam.Give me the guidance, confidence. and faith to seuuceesfullymy RN NCLEX exam for my license. Amen. Dawn, RN
Abbymybaby2 said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino
I humbly ask for your prayer for my son's NCLEX-RN test result to be in his favor please pray that he passed. Thank you and forever be grateful for your help. In Jesus name I pray!
praju said…
Dear st Joseph of Cupertino, thank you very much for answering my prayers, with your blessings, I could able to clear my exams.
dee said…
Dear St Joesph of Cupertino I ask your prayer for tne NCLEX RN EXAM to be in my favor and that i would pass.I pray the questions presented to me i will know,take anxiety and fear away from me.Guide and bless me through this exam in Jesus name i pray.
Unknown said…
Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass my exam.
Unknown said…
Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass my exam.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Almighty and everlasting Father for success in my NCLEX PN exam. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for your intercessions to the Lord our God and for helping me pass my exam with ease. Praise be to God and to all the angels, martyrs and saints. Amen!
Oh! St. Joseph of Cupertino, may God continue to use to help people in their time of need. Amen
Anonymous said…
Thank you for allowing me to pass my board exam! St Joseph of Cupertino, St. Padre Pio, St. Joseph foster father of Jesus, St. Clare of Assisi, St. Jude Taddeus, St. Francis Xavier, Mary Mother of Perpetual Help and Holy Spirit for praying for me and giving me a peaceful mind. Thank You Lord Jesus. Thank you God. All glory and honor to You, Oh my God. :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you Lord Almighty above for helping to pass two difficult classes this past semester. Thank you St. Cupertino and St. Thomas Aquinas for intervening on my behalf for a successful semester. All glory and honor to the Almighty!
Unknown said…
Thank you Lord for helping me to pass my English exam. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for interceding to my prayers. Thank you so much. Amen
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino, please guide my son Conor to successful GCSE results as he studies towards these exams in the coming months. I particularly pray he suceeds in his 'must pass' subjects to allow him to continue with his choosen career. Amen. EC
Unknown said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for prayers answered today during my exam

Unknown said…
Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass my exam.To God be the Glory.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Lord Jesus for the answered prayers. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass the exam. Thank you.
Unknown said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino,please help my daughter to pass her NCLEX EXAM on Jan 30.pls guide her from the start to the end of her exam.hope she will be enlightened to answer all the questions correctly .i ask this in Jesus Name with your intervention O most gracious St Joseph of Cupertino.Amen
Unknown said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino,please help my daughter to pass her NCLEX EXAM on Jan 30.pls guide her from the start to the end of her exam.hope she will be enlightened to answer all the questions correctly .i ask this in Jesus Name with your intervention O most gracious St Joseph of Cupertino.Amen
Anonymous said…
Yes, for me St. Joseph of Cupertino helped me with the math exams. I was reduced to tears when O continuously saw how this miracle worked. I really have to show this to my peers. Thank you God, I am indebted to you.
Carol said…
Dear st joseph cupertino,
Help me and give me the strength to study well for my exams. I have made many mistakes also wasted lot of time but now, I want to change and be humble, kind and good, put all my efforts concentrate and study for my exams for the next three months for 13 hours everyday so that I can fullfil my dreams aswell as my parents dreams for me and secure AIR-1 in ca final, may 2016. Help me give me the strength to concentrate only on studies nd my goals. I promise to may u known nd thank you when I succeed, I ask this In the name of lord ourJesus chirst and mother Mary who always answers our prayers. Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino ...lord I pray to thee that my daughter passes through her exam which she is writing today...please be with her to guide her ..
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino ... Thank you so much for giving my daughter success in exam . Thank you for hearing my prayers.please be with her to guide her for her future exams too..
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of CupertinI pray that you will grant me success in my Junior Certificate Mock Examinations in Jesus name.Amen

I thank you so much because I believe you have answered my prayer.
Anonymous said…
St.Jo'seph of Cupertino....pls bless me for remebering all Thatt I have learned...and pls make me passs in my first year mbbs final exams......I have 'really worked hard...pls enlighten me ...god ........I thank for all blessings given so far....pls make me pass...I love youu lord...........AMEN
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, pls help me pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that this very special friend of my daughter pass his board exam. Thank you.
Marie said…
Please pray for the examinees of the Philippine Society of Pathologists' Diplomate Board Examinations on February 21 and 28, 2016, especially the examinees from the University of Santo Tomas Hospital. May we remember and retain all the knowledge we have gained throughout our residency training and during our review, and may we also use everything we learned not just to pass the exams, but to serve our future patients, that God's work be done through us. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino

I'm in nursing school and I pray to for the strength and guidance to learn the material and do well in my exams. Allow me to be free of anxiety and confident in my knowledge. Allow me to comprehend test questions and enlighten me with the knowledge to answer them correctly.

I believe God has helped get on this path. Please continue to guide me and bless me the courage and faith to be successful. As a nurse I hope to honor God and do my part in healing and helping others.

In the name of Jesus pray for me.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino

I'm in nursing school and I pray to for the strength and guidance to learn the material and do well in my exams. Allow me to be free of anxiety and confident in my knowledge. Allow me to comprehend test questions and enlighten me with the knowledge to answer them correctly.

I believe God has helped get on this path. Please continue to guide me and bless me the courage and faith to be successful. As a nurse I hope to honor God and do my part in healing and helping others.

In the name of Jesus pray for me.
Unknown said…
Dear St .Joesph of Cupentino help me pass Nclex RN exam on Feb 11 2016..Please be my guide. AMEN
Anonymous said…
I prayed the novena to Saint Joseph of Cupertino for my road test. I made two mistakes but passed. God sent me a nice examiner who understands that first time drivers are not perfect. Thank you saint Joseph for praying for me.
Unknown said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, i pray that you help me as i study for my NCLEX examination coming up on 02/25/2016 at 0800. Please intervene and make this a success. I desperately need your help, please guide me to study and retain the right material i will encounter on my exam and be successful. I trust in you. Thank you abundantly St. Joseph of Cupertino for answering my prayer. Amen!!!
Abbymybaby2 said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, I'm still not giving up in asking for your help and intercession for my son for him to pass the NCLEX exam. Please guide him while he's reviewing until he will take his exam.Thank you for praying for him.
Unknown said…
Dear st Joseph of Cupertino I took the RN nclex today I felt you were with me all the way. thank you
Anonymous said…
Thank You St. Joseph Cupertino helping me pass the first part of my state exam. I couldn't of pass without your intercession.
Thank You. Deb H
Unknown said…
HThank you St Joseph Cupertino for helping me pass the RN Nclex exam..I passed!!!!
Anonymous said…
Dear st.Joseph Cupertino,I hope you will read this message. Please help me to pass my exam on march 20 2016,for licensure examination for teachers. Please hear me,blessed me,and forgive me and most importantly, pray for me.through the name of Jesus Christ.
samantha crasta said…
Dear St. Joseph Cupertino,
My results are going to be declared tomorrow, I haven't done my best in my examinations, I know that I've only wasted all my time instead of studying seriously. I really do regret that.
I request you to bless me and make the results in my favour, I can't afford to lose a year. Please answer my prayers, I want to post a testimony of my success, I promise I will work hard from now on, please St.Joseph help me get promoted to the next class without any hurdles in my way. Amen.
judith said…
Lord, grant me favor. Lord, I have an exam tomorrow. Please see that I score well. God, this is a determining phase for my acceptance into Physician Assistant school May 2016. Lord, grant me favor. Also, see this prayer also for my pre-PA study buddy as well that she may be in favor of God's will. I pray all who has prayed for me that God hear their personal prayers in petition. Amen!
Unknown said…
Dear saint Joseph, I thank you for helping me pass my exams. Thank you so very much.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino thank you for always helping our family especially my children. Today im begging your help to please help my son in tomorrows quest exam and mech 324 quiz. I truly believe in your powerful novena and prayer because you always grant our petitions and all the other request of those students who experienced downfall in their studies and exams. Hope you will grant my request for my son for him to be able to pass the quest exam and also in his mech 324 quiz and final exam in all his subj on march especially mech 324 subject. Please guide his mind and hands to choose the correct answer and teach him the exact solutions for him to pass the subj mech 324. ST JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO please include my prayers for my son,you are our only hope because of my son's previous result in his quizzes and exams that despite of studying hard he still fails in his mech 324 subject. We will forever be thankful of your novena and prayer that truly help those students and examinees who experienced downfall in their studies. Thank you very much St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Anonymous said…
Dear ST. JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO im asking your big help to please help my son pass his mech 324 subject and also in their quest exam tomorrow. For the past months during their quizzes and exams he studied well just to pass his quizzes and exams but still he failed. Tomorrow they will have their quiz so im begging you to please include him in your powerful prayer for him to be able to pass his quest exam and also in their quiz in mech 324 and also in their final exam on march. I truly believe in your novena and prayer because for the past years you did not fail our family especially my children. Please also help my daughter in her upcoming defense on her thesis. Please guide my son tomorrow in all his exams and quizzes. Guide his mind and hands to be able to choice the correct answers and know the corresponding solutions to the answers in order to pass the subject mech 324 and the quest exam. You are our only hope. Please help my son St. Joseph of Cupertino.
Unknown said…
praying for your son to not only pass his MECH 324 exam but also do very well in college and in his career. God is good, all the time! St. Joseph of Cupertino, pray for this young man and those who are taking college exams...
Unknown said…
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for my NCLEX exam coming up March 21st at 8:00. Please St. Joseph of Cupertino, help me to get on my exam only material I know to enable me succeed. I put my trust in you Jesus. Make a miracle for your servant that I am. Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession. Thank you lord for answering my prayer. Amen!!!
Unknown said…
Dear St.Joseph of Cupertino please pray for my son to get the visa extension and pass the exams he is taking.May God grand him these blessings through your intercession.We promise to make you known.In Jesus name Amen.
Anonymous said…
Thank you St.Joseph of Cupertino for helping my son to pass in 10th board exam and getting good marks with your intercession. now again i come to you through your intercession as he is going to write his 12th board exam.dear saint please pray for him for getting good marks in his exams as well as for the future studies. thank you in Jesus name i pray.Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for me to pass the Career Service Eligibility this coming April 17, 2016. Please bless me and grant my ultimate prayer. This I ask through Christ
our Lord Jesus and to you St. Joseph of Cupertino to please pray for me and grant me that my results will be in my favour. Thank you always in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for me and assist me as I take my Board Examination for Professional Teacher major in Social Science this comming March 20,2016. Please help me to understand all the question so that I can give the correct answers. Please pray for me to pass this Board Exam that I am going to take and to have a teaching job this year. Thank you always in Jesus name I pray
Anonymous said…
Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino
Anonymous said…
Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for helping my sons to do their exam well. Please continue to help them for all the future exams they are going to write.
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino thank you for always granting my prayers for my children. Please help my son pass his final exam in all his subjects starting March 15 to March 22. Please include my son in your prayer for him to be able to pass his final exams. Thru your prayer many students have surpass the difficulties in their studies. Please continue to help my son and all other students through your prayer to guide and give them strength and knowledge to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Through Mama Marys intercession this we pray and in Jesus name. AMEN
Anonymous said…
St. Joseph of Cupertino thank you for always granting my prayers for my children. Please help my son pass his final exam in all his subjects starting March 15 to March 22. Please include my son in your prayer for him to be able to pass his final exams. Thru your prayer many students have surpass the difficulties in their studies. Please continue to help my son and all other students through your prayer to guide and give them strength and knowledge to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Through Mama Marys intercession this we pray and in Jesus name. AMEN
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for me to pass the TEACHER LICENSURE EXAMINATION this coming March 20,2016. please help me and grant my prayer. This I humbly ask and pray through Jesus Christ amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino please pray for me to pass the TEACHER LICENSURE EXAMINATION this coming March 20,2016. please help me and grant my prayer. This I humbly ask and pray through Jesus Christ amen.
Lily W said…
Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, I seek your divine assistance to help me to pass my forthcoming CEI Basic Exam, scheduled this Thursday, 17th March 2016 at 2.30pm Spore time. I really need to pass this exam as it determines my job security. I have been unemployed for so many months and this job is crucial to help me support my 4 children. I can only attain this job if I pass my CEI Exam this week. I beg you to intercede for me to successfully be able to answer all the questions correctly to secure a pass. I will be eternally grateful to you. In God I trust. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino,
Thank you for helping me pass the 2nd part of the state exam for casualty insurance. I know without your intercession I would have failed or would of had a very difficult time taking the exam.
Thank You
Deb H.
Mary H said…
Dearest St Joseph of Cupertino, Please help my son in all his exams. He will be applying to Graduate School soon and it is sooo competitive and his GPA is of utmost importance in getting accepted. He is studying so hard and getting so stressed. Please help him to stay calm, to answer all questions correctly and to achieve his goal. I will be forever grateful to you. In you and God I trust. AMEN Mary H ...........March 17, 2016 at 8:21 AM
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
I am sending prayers to St Joseph of Cupertino to help my son, Jacob, pass his test on Tuesday. We will make you known. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, I am grateful that you have answered my prayers for all my previous exams and I ask You and Our Lord God to please intercede for me again in my recently finished oral exam.Please help me and please enlighten our examiners that they may consider our answers in any way possible....I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. St. Joseph of Cupertino, pray for us.
Unknown said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, I am here again to ask you favour please help my sister today for her LET exams. Grant my wish for her that she will pass I hope she will finished successfully. I'll always make you known. Thank you St. Joseph for everything please help me and pray for me to God Almighty, on my in coming interview and demo teaching next month. Thanks a lot with all my heart.Amen
NBM said…

Nothing is impossible with God! Glorifying His Name above every other name thru His Saint, St. Joseph of Cupertino, I passed my oral examination on my dissertation.
Anonymous said…
Dera St Joseph of Cuertino,please help me pass my PTA board exam on April 6 2016. I am begging you for your help and Prayers. I will make your name know. Thank you with all my heart and love to you and God. SB
Anonymous said…
The power of prayer is awesome. My son Jacob passed his test today with the help of. St Joseph of Cupertino by his side.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Joseph of Cupertino, you have answered my prayers and others who pray to you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please, I come to you again asking you to pray for my daughter Sara as she is about to write her 3 medical school exams in Australia this week of April 4 - 7, 2016. Please pray that she will feel calm and relaxed and feel confident while writing her exams and most importantly that she is successful and passes all 3 exams. I thank you and ask this in the name of Jesus AMEN.
Anonymous said…
I am sending prayers to St Joseph of Cupertino to help my daughter, Hannah, pass her ACT on Saturday. We will make you known. Amen
Anonymous said…
To God be all the glory for great things he hath done! Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino again for myself and my family. Thank you for interceding for my sister for success in getting her long awaited immigration papers. Amen.

Oh St. Joseph of Cupertino, may your name be known all over the earth! May the name of the Lord be glorified for ever and ever. Amen.
Anonymous said…
St Joseph of Cupertino, pray for me as I go to court today, let me have victory over the devil and the wicked. Let there be rejoicing and praises to God for fighting on my behalf. The battle belongs to the Lord. Please i implore you in your intercessions to God that the will of the Father be done in my life, that I may testify of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Amen.

Powerful St. Joseph, heed my call and interceed on my behalf that success, favor and victory be mine in Jesus name. Amen. May I find favor with the Judge and with all that I meet. Amen.
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