Prayer to St. Christopher for Safe Travels and Motorists

Saint Christopher Prayer"Motorist's Prayer:" Grant me, O Lord, a steady hand and watchful eye, that no one shall be hurt as I pass by. Thou gavest life, I pray no act of mine may take away or mar that gift of Thine (continues below). 
Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear my company from the evils of fire and all calamity.Teach me to use my car for others need; Nor miss through love of undue speed. The beauty of the world; that thus I may with joy and courtesy go on my way. St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers, protect me, and lead me safely to my destiny.
Saint Christopher's Protection Prayer
 Dear Saint Christopher, protect me today in all my travels along the road's way. Give your warning sign if danger is near so that I may stop while the path is clear. Be at my window and direct me through when the vision blurs From out of the blue. Carry me safely to my destined place, like you carried Christ in your close embrace. Amen.
 St. Christopher's Prayer
O Glorious St. Christopher you have inherited a beautiful name, Christbearer, as a result of the wonderful legend that while carrying people across a raging stream you also carried the Child Jesus. Teach us to be true Christbearers to those who do not know Him. Protect all of us that travel both near and far and petition Jesus to be with us always. Amen.
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alice said…
this pray is very special to me
Anonymous said…
Dear st Christopher please allow me to have a safe trip over the July 4 weekend for I am going to brackettville please protect me from all danger in you nam we pray. Amen
Anonymous said…
Saint Christopher. Please allow my mother and sister travel safely to Europe. Protect them.
P.C. said…
Dear St. Christopher,
Please be with my daughter and grandson tomorrow on their trip. Protect them and guide them safely back home. Amen.
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher ~
Please watch over my daughter and her friend, add they travel this week. Please keep them safe, happy, and healthy and let no evil touch them.
In Jesus' name I pray
Carolyn House said…
Please protect my grandson Luke as he leaves for travels to Germany and abroad as he leaves this month.
Keep then under your wings of prayer during his travels and return him safely home.
Thy will be done.
Unknown said…
St. Christopher, protect evah along her travels as you did me. Let her receive a safe a prosperous journey. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher,
please intercede for me to our Lord Jesus Christ and let me have accident free journeys as I begin driving again. Also intercede for me to our Lord Jesus Christ so my driving phobia will be cured forever. Amen!
Anonymous said…
Dear Saint Christopher,
May God send you to protect my mother and her friends as they travel through Europe. I ask that you guide and protect them every step of the way and safely return them back home to the comfort of home here in the United States. Please bless and protect the planes that carry them and the pilots that fly them.
I thank you Lord for working thru Saint Christopher and giving him the gift of bestowing safe journey. In Jesus name, Amen!
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher,

Please watch over our granddaughter who will be traveling abroad early next year. Guide her to safety and bring her back to her school and home safely. Please protect the transportation she will be on and the pilots that fly them. Please protect her from all harm and bring home to the loving arms of her family. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Unknown said…
Dear St Christopher...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your wonderful prayers and in God's name I bless you...Alleluia!
Unknown said…
Saint Christopher, please help my Dad to have a safe trip from Rossford Ohio, to Atlanta Georgia so he can come home to be with his family that loves him very dearly, Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher, please watch over our daughter, Veronica, as she drives to the mall tonight to go Christmas shopping. She is a new driver, so please keep her safe and out of harms way. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher,please watch over my soon to be husband as he travels from Mexico back to the u.s.a. please keep him safe. In jesus name Amen
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher,please watch over my soon to be husband as he travels from Mexico back to the u.s.a. please keep him safe. In jesus name Amen
Anonymous said…
Saint Christopher please protect mum throughout her 4 hour journey tomorrow and all those travelling along with her.Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear Saint Christopher, please watch over my boyfriend as he flies from Greece to The Netherlands and back again. Please watch over him and keep him safe during all his travels. I thank God for bringing him into my life. Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear Saint Christopher, please watch over my daughter as she travels to London today to study. Please protect her on her trip to there, during her short period there and please bring her back to home again to us safely when the semester is over.
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher,

Please watch over my daughter as she travels to and from Chicago for work. May she and all travelers around her be mindful of each other. Please keep her safe. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Watchful and ever careful Saint Christopher, please protect Steven as he travels south for the beginning of his new teaching position. If he tires, provide him with council to stop and rest. If others who come his way tire, offer them that same council. Please keep him and those he passes safe. In the Lord's name I pray, Amen.
Anonymous said…
Watchful and ever protective Saint Christopher, thank you for keeping Steven safe. I ask again for your protection as we, as a family, travel south to begin a new chapter in our lives. Provide us with the council to stop when needed and keep all of us safe in the two xars we use. Please keep those we pass safe also. In the Lord's name I pray, Amen.
Anonymous said…
Watchful and ever protective Saint Christopher please provide protection for my daughter, sister and myself on on flights to and from next Tuesday and returning Saturday. Guide and protect our pilots as they carry us to and from our destinations . In the Lords name I pray. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Please protect my husband Frank on his business travels. PLEASE guide and protect him every step of the way and return safely return home. Please bless and protect the planes and the pilots that fly them and car he is in.. Thank you Lord for working thru Saint Christopher and giving him the gift bestowing safe journey. In Jesus name, Amen!
Unknown said…
Dear st Christopher please pray for my daughter Christie that she will have a safe trip to India and Dubai and back home again. Ask God to keep her safe and sound. Please ask jesus to bless her and be right next to her during her travelling. April 18 to May 10.

Unknown said…
Dear st Christopher please pray for my daughter Christie that she will have a safe trip to India and Dubai and back home again. Ask God to keep her safe and sound. Please ask jesus to bless her and be right next to her during her travelling. April 18 to May 10.

Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher , Thank you for blessing and saving Mom and myself today from what was almost a most terrible accident. Thank you for alerting me at the last moment. I keep your medal in my car always so you are always with me and today you took over when we needed you.i will forever be grateful to you St. Christopher . Amen.

Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, please intercede on my behalf to God so that my driving phobia can completely go away. Please grant me the serenity I require behind the wheels and above all please ask God to protect me from the dangers of the road.
All this I ask through Christ our Lord Amen!
St Christopher, please keep my grandchildren, Maddie and Jack, safe as they drive to Charlotte and back home to Atlanta over this holiday weekend and all times in the future. With gratitude.
Unknown said…
For my dear granddaughter s safety new driver from Mimi with love
Unknown said…
For my dear granddaughter s safety new driver from Mimi with love
Anonymous said…
For my grandson and his band friends going to Europe Watch over them and let them travel safely back home In Jesus' name.
Anonymous said…
For my son and his teammates. Watch over them let them arrive safely and return safely. In Jesus name I pray.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher, please keep Rachel, Dan, and Matthew safe as they travel today.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher, please keep Rachel, Dan, and Matthew safe as they travel today.
Anonymous said…
St. Christopher please keep my sister and her family ( Jan, Matt, Kieran and Jonah) safe as they travel to visit family over the weekend. Please bless and protect them and all those they encounter.
teecriz said…
st.christopher and all the angels in heaven please protect my son Mark bender and his girlfriend Jennifer Wood as they fly to Italy and embark on a beautiful Adventure please make sure no harm comes to them and bless them
teecriz said…
st.christopher and all the angels in heaven please protect my son Mark bender and his girlfriend Jennifer Wood as they fly to Italy and embark on a beautiful Adventure please make sure no harm comes to them and bless them
Anonymous said…
Protect my family and I as we take a vacation tomorrow. Watch over us and please keep us safe. Amen
Chairman Atanga said…
O saint Christopher help me to truly become Christopher as my name potrays. May I truly bear Christ in my heart. May you accompany my wife as she flies over to the USA on the 27th of July. Amen
Elizabeth H said…
Please protect my friend Sharon as she travels to Europe...Thank you and Amen
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher....Thank you for so many prayers and your powerful protection for my husband, who works away so much. Please continue to pray for us in our lives and travel. Thank you.
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher....Thank you for so many prayers and your powerful protection for my husband, who works away so much. Please continue to pray for us in our lives and travel. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, Please pray and protect my daughter who is travelling the Us.Please look after her during her travel and let her return home safe. Thank you. Also please pray for all travellers and protect them.
Anonymous said…
Dear Saint Christopher,
Please keep me safe and at peace in all my driving.
Tressa Ayo said…
St. Christopher, I ask you to protect my GodSon on his first flight. Protect him as he journey's to Camp May to begin 9 week of boot camp. I pray you keep him safe, strong and focused. Amen
Anonymous said…
St. Christopher, I ask for prayers for the protection and safety of my husband and I as we travel to and from Mexico this upcoming week. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher,

Please watch over our granddaughter who will be traveling to Puerto Rico today with her job. Guide her to safety and bring her back to her school and home safely. Please protect the transportation she will be on and the pilots that fly them. Please protect her from all harm and bring her home to the loving arms of her family. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ ,Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, Please protect my grandson and his band friends that will be traveling by bus to a band competition today. I pray to you for the safety and watchful eyes of the bus driver. Please protect our grandson on his travels to and from his destination,Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher my son is having heart surgery on January 31st 2017. Please protect him, keep him safe, strong, healthy and happy. Guide the Doctors doing the surgery Please let everything go good. Please let him stay here with me and his children. Please let him heal fast and be strong through this journey he is on. In Jesus Christ name Amen I Love you my Son Mom Baylee1
Unknown said…
Dear St. Christopher...I thank you so much for your most powerful emergency prayers for my husband this past week...when that one journey could have turned out so very differently. I truly thank you for coming to his rescue.
Unknown said…
How is your son? I hope everything went well. We will remember you in our prayers...
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher...please watch over those close to me travelling on the road right now in this terrible storm. Guide Dylan , Ben, Cole and Ella safely home. Guide Randy safely to his destination. Guide Dennis home with his school bus and pray for everyone travelling. Amen
Anonymous said…
Dearest Saint Christopher,
I humbly ask that you wrap your loving arms around my boys as they travel to MN and back to WA. Please help them return safely and in good health while helping them to spread Christ's light along the way. Please let all other travelers around them and everywhere, remain safe and aware. Thank you!!! Amen
rosecoach said…
St. Christopher I humbly ask of you to please help my grandson while on travel to his destination, cover him with your mantle of protection, keep him safe from harm, protect him from unscrupulous persons that may cause him harm.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher please look after my son on his travels and bring him home safely to me. Thank you. Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, watch over us on our travels. Keep us safe from harm and protect us. Bring us safely home to our waiting families. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christoper,pls. watch my husband Tom and my children DJ and Timothy everytime they step outside d house.i humbly ask to guide them and protect them from harm and send them safely home..In Jesus name..Amen
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, please watch over my husband and I on our upcoming travels through Europe in November. I ask that you Keep us safe and out of harm's way and protect us every step of the way and bring us back home safely to the US to our families. Please bless and protect the planes that carry us and the pilots that fly them. I also pray and ask that God will always be by our side and watching over us, too. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Please St Christopher protect my son Daniel as he starts driving on his own tomorrow. Please keep him safe and wrap your protective arms around him. Please be with him in his travels. I will buy a medallion to put in his car ASAP.
Thank you in God's name
Anonymous said…
to St Christhoper please watch over my loved one jo judie and the rest of the seafearersmates as they travel heading to africa I am asking for your guidance and protection for whatever they will encounter of misfortune while on the route. may jo judie keep safe and may overcome all the longingness he may be felt & be more positive for it. that the captain of their ship may serves as youre image as their protector.and pls let judie came home safe after his contract.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher please give my dad safe air travel. Give him calm mind and heart. I ask these through Christ our Lord amen
Unknown said…
Saint Christopher
watch over our family on our trip to Philippines. protect us at all times and keep us healthy and away from fear. Bless the planes and the pilots and crew so we can have an enjoyable and easy flight.
Thanks, Foe sharing the blog this is a lovely blog. Keep sharing.
Unknown said…
Be sure to THANK Jesus Christ and St. Christopher when each portion of a trip is completed. Don't forget their Guardian Angel.
Unknown said…
Dear Saint Christopher protect us as we travel for the summer to reconnect with our family bring us back home safely and bring our children back home from another country . Get all the children back home who have been left here without their parents
Unknown said…
Dear Saint Christopher, please protect Gerardo on his journey and bring him back here safely. Please guide and protect him from all evil. Please keep him healthy and away from danger and fear. In Gods name, Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher,
Please watch over and protect my daughter, granddaughters and son in law as they travel today to their new home. Keep them safe and free from any accidents or mechanical issues. Amen
Unknown said…
St Christopher will be travelling to and fourth from Norton Zimbawe to Messina,South Africa visiting bank.My children will also be travelling on Thursday from schools coming for holiday.I ask for your protection in all travelling

Vitalis Madhawu-Zimbabwe
Unknown said…
St.Christopher, please protect my husband, as he goes to work and back, he puts his life in danger every day. Protect him in Jesus name I pray.
Unknown said…
Please st Christopher watch over and protect my daughter and partner on their flight to London in bad weather , that they may return him safe and well and free from harm and may all at home be good for their return . Amen
Anonymous said…
St. Christopher, please protect my son and his friends as they travel this weekend. Keep them safe and free from all harm. Amen.
Tara said…
St. Christopher please keep my sisters and I safe as we travel to Key West for a fun vacation this weekend.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, please watch over us again(my husband and I)on our upcoming travels through Europe in August. I ask that you and our Heavenly Father always keep us safe and out of harm's way and protect us every step of the way and bring us back home safely to the US to our families. Please bless and protect the planes that carry us and the pilots that fly them. I also pray and ask that God will always be by our side and watching over us, too. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer. Amen.
Anonymous said…
I pray St. Christopher for you intersession for our daughter Taylor and friend Tyler, who are flying to Wyoming to attend a wedding this weekend. They have a fear of flying, so I pray that you will ask our Lord to grant them calm and peaceful flights and safe arrivals and that you will stay close to them until they return...... Amen.
Unknown said…
Please St Christopher keep my son safe in Australia Amen
Unknown said…
Dear st.christopher I humbly request for journey mercies as I take my daughter to report to high school and back amen
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher, please watch over my husband and I and our friends on our upcoming travels to Asia (Japan and Philippines) in March. I ask that you and our Heavenly Father always keep us safe, out of harm's way and protect us every step of the way and bring us back home safely to the US to our families. We also pray that we will not contract the coronavirus during our travels. Please bless and protect the planes that carry us and the pilots that fly them. I also pray and ask that God will always be by our side and watching over us, too. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.
Mom said…
Dear st Christopher. Please protect Andrew and Jenny on the road today. Keep them safe and guide them to and from their destination. Thank you. Amen.
asad said…
I ask that you and our Heavenly Father always keep us safe, out of harm's way and protect us every step of the คาเฟ่เขาหลัก way and bring us back home safely to the US to our families. We also pray that we will not contract the coronavirus during our travels keep it up.
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This is a topic which is near to my heart... Best wishes! Exactly where are your contact details though? love holidays
Unknown said…
St christopher please keep me safe on my vfc travels tomorrow to kentucky bless my car. And stay with me the entire trip and back home next week. Oray for me. Amen
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Dexy said…
Dear Saint Christopher, please be with Mr. Daniel Okoromu and grant him travelling grace and journey mercies.
Vincent said…
My friends through our lord Jesus Christ, please pray for the intercession of St. Christopher to guide and guard my family as we travel across country to a new home. Please pray for us to arrive safely without accident, injury, car failure or police intervention. Please pray for us as we pray for you. Through the Father, the Son and the holy spirit, Amen.
KO’R said…
Dear Saint Christopher, I have lost a ring my mother bought me and it’s very sentimental to me. I pray to you to help me find it. The father the son and the Holy Spirit Amen
Donalee said…
Dear St Christopher who hath received the holy spirit from Jesus, hear my plea for friend ill with a disease: that he may reach his family, a long drive alone, to be with the people who love him. From a neighbor who cares about him. THANKS BE TO GOD. AMEN donalee frie s name is James... l Sent a card with him as a sign we wish him safety.
Donalee said…
Dear St Christopher who hath received the holy spirit from Jesus, hear my plea for friend ill with a disease: that he may reach his family, a long drive alone, to be with the people who love him. From a neighbor who cares about him. THANKS BE TO GOD. AMEN donalee friend's name is James...
I Sent a card with him as a sign we wish him safety.
Anonymous said…
Dearest St. Christoper: I beseech thee to watch over my grandson on his travels through the darkness and help him to arrive safely to his destination. Thank you. Amen
Anonymous said…
Please St. Christopher protect my father today in the blizzard on the mountain roads. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ who died for us on the Cross in Nominee Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sancti Amen.
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Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - please protect my husband and I in all our travels while in Las Vegas. With all the craziness in road rage lately, please watch over and protect us always from harm and danger and to please keep us safe always. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during our flight travels that we get to our destinations safely and return home to our loved ones safe and sound. Thank you and to our Lord, also for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear Saint Christopher i pray to you to watch over my brother and his girlfriend ad they travel by car and plane on there trip to texas please keep them safe thank you for listening to this petition st christopher ��
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - please protect my husband in all his travels to Virginia for work training. Please watch over and protect him always from harm and danger and to please keep him safe always. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during his flight travels that he get to his destinations safely and return home to his loved ones safe and sound. Also, please keep me safe, too in all my travels as I go to the Kauai to visit family. Thank you to you and to our Lord for hearing and answering my prayers. Amen.
Unknown said…
My family need your intercession to be delivered from witchcraft powers to bring all five children back home and assurance to give them God fearing training. Pray and help us please.
Anonymous said…
The Prayer to St. Christopher is a popular prayer among Catholics and other Christians who travel frequently or who drive vehicles. ที่เที่ยวเขาใหญ่ St. Christopher is considered the patron saint of travelers and motorists, and he is often invoked for protection during journeys.
Anonymous said…
Dear St Christopher, please watch over us again (my husband and I) on our upcoming travels through Europe within the next two weeks in July. I ask that you and our Heavenly Father always keep us safe and out of harm's way and protect us every step of the way and bring us back home safely to the US to our families. Please bless and protect the trains and planes that carry us and the pilots that fly them. I also pray and ask that God will always be by our side and watching over us, too. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - please protect my husband in all his travels to Maryland and DC/East Coast for work training. Please watch over and protect him always from harm and danger and to please keep him safe always. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during his flight travels that he get to his destinations safely and return home to his loved ones safe and sound. Also, please keep me safe, too in all my travels as I go to the Kauai to visit family. Thank you to you and to our Lord for hearing and answering my prayers. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - mighty protector of travelers, I humbly pray to you, asking for your guidance and protection as my husband set on his journey to Maryland/DC/Virgina -East Coast, again for work training this coming weekend/next week. Guide him with your watchful eye, keep him away from all harm, and surround him with your loving presence. Shield him from accidents, unforeseen dangers, and any negative influences that may come his way. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during his flight travels that he gets to his destinations safely and return home to his loved ones safe and sound. Thank you, St Christopher and our almighty Father for hearing and answering my prayers. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - mighty protector of travelers, we humbly pray to you, asking for your guidance and protection as my husband and I set on our journey to Asia (Singapore and Japan) at the end of March/early April. Guide us with your watchful eye, keep us away from all harm, and surround us with your loving presence. Shield us from accidents, unforeseen dangers, and any negative influences that may come our way. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during our flight travels that we get to our destinations safely and return home to our loved ones safe and sound. We also pray that we will have a fun and memorable trip. Thank you, St Christopher and our almighty Father for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.
Green Marketing said…
Dear st Christopher- mighty protector of travelers intercede for me as I travel monday 8th of April 2024 to Abuja. May the purpose of my travel be successful and also grant me Journey mercies back to Lagos
Haute Vue said…
Dear St. Christopher - please bring more visitors to our pet friendly holiday home in Montauroux, so that we might surround them with christian love and care.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - mighty protector of travelers, we humbly pray to you, asking for your guidance and protection as my husband and SIL set on their journey to the Philippines this coming weekend (May 3rd). Guide them with your watchful eye, keep them away from all harm, and surround them with your loving presence. Shield them from accidents, unforeseen dangers, and any negative influences that may come their way. May the purpose of their travels also be successful. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during their flight travels that they get to their destinations safely and return home (back to the US) to their loved ones safe and sound. Thank you, St Christopher and our almighty Father for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - mighty protector of travelers, we humbly pray to you, asking for your guidance and protection as my husband and his boss set on their journey to CA and WA State this coming weekend for a week. Guide them with your watchful eye, keep them away from all harm, and surround them with your loving presence. Shield them from accidents, unforeseen dangers, and any negative influences that may come their way. May the purpose of their travels also be successful. Please also guide the hands of the pilots during their flight travels that they get to their destinations safely and return home to their loved ones safe and sound. Thank you, St Christopher and our almighty Father for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Dear St. Christopher - mighty protector of travelers, we humbly pray to you, asking for your guidance and protection as my husband and I set on our journey to Europe (Med cruise and Amsterdam) at the end of the week for several weeks. Guide us with your watchful eye, keep us away from all harm, and surround us with your loving presence. Shield us from accidents, unforeseen dangers, and any negative influences that may come our way. Please also guide the hands of the airplane pilots and ship captains during our travels that we get to our destinations safely and return home to our loved ones safe and sound. We also pray that we will have a fun, amazing, and memorable trip. Thank you, St Christopher and our almighty Father for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen.