Zach Sobiech the now famous teen had osteosarcoma, cancer of the bone rare among youth. He died on May 20,2013 at 6:30 a.m. in Stillwater at the age of 18. He was inspired to make several music videos with the help of celebrities to support funding for those with cancer. These videos became viral on the web. Please find Zach's most popular video below. DONATE VIA
Zach was the third of the Sobiech family’s four children and was a student at St. Croix Catholic School in 2009 when he was diagnosed. He felt pain in his hip during a jog; eventually, they took him in for a CT scan which revealed cancer.
They are a Catholic family and Zach's mother Laura said, “Identifying with Mary’s suffering has been huge”. “To meditate from her point of view, watching her son suffer, has just really brought me peace and shown me how to do it. She had quiet strength. The Way of the Cross, Mary was there for the whole thing, and there was nothing she could really do but be there.”
It was after the diagnosis that Laura said. “That’s when I decided that this was going to be part of my daily routine. So, I actually set up my work schedule to start later so that I could make sure I would get prayer in before I started my day.”
“Any time we have a struggle in the family, I go right to the rosary because I know that’s where we’re going to get the grace — or I’m going to get the grace — to get through things,” she said. “I just don’t have to do it on my own. It’s my safety net.”

Bishop Lee Piché came to St. Mary in Stillwater for family friend Matt Brown’s confirmation. Zach was his sponsor.
Laura said. “I think all of us felt that the Holy Spirit really was there, not just for Matt, but was spilling over to all of us." (Quotes and Pictures from Diocese Website - TheCatholicSpirit)
Zach has 2 sisters Alli, 22, Grace, 14, and brother Sam, 20. Sammy Brown, is Matt’s older sister and Zach’s singing partner, and his girlfriend Amy Adamle all supported him.
“He has this sense of joy, and he shares it with everyone, even when he’s down,” Adamle said. “His faith has made my faith stronger because even in dark times, he still looks to God. It helps me know that I can do that.”
Laura wrote a message on his CaringBridge site: “Zachary passed away this morning. He was surrounded by his sisters, brother, parents and girlfriend. We love him dearly.”
Zach was the third of the Sobiech family’s four children and was a student at St. Croix Catholic School in 2009 when he was diagnosed. He felt pain in his hip during a jog; eventually, they took him in for a CT scan which revealed cancer.
They are a Catholic family and Zach's mother Laura said, “Identifying with Mary’s suffering has been huge”. “To meditate from her point of view, watching her son suffer, has just really brought me peace and shown me how to do it. She had quiet strength. The Way of the Cross, Mary was there for the whole thing, and there was nothing she could really do but be there.”
“Any time we have a struggle in the family, I go right to the rosary because I know that’s where we’re going to get the grace — or I’m going to get the grace — to get through things,” she said. “I just don’t have to do it on my own. It’s my safety net.”
Matthew Brown greets Bishop Lee Piché after being confirmed during a Mass April 22 at St. Mary in Stillwater. His scheduled confirmation was moved up to accommodate the failing health of his sponsor, Zach Sobiech, center. (Dave Hrbacek/The Catholic Spirit)
Laura said. “I think all of us felt that the Holy Spirit really was there, not just for Matt, but was spilling over to all of us." (Quotes and Pictures from Diocese Website - TheCatholicSpirit)
Zach has 2 sisters Alli, 22, Grace, 14, and brother Sam, 20. Sammy Brown, is Matt’s older sister and Zach’s singing partner, and his girlfriend Amy Adamle all supported him.
“He has this sense of joy, and he shares it with everyone, even when he’s down,” Adamle said. “His faith has made my faith stronger because even in dark times, he still looks to God. It helps me know that I can do that.”
Laura wrote a message on his CaringBridge site: “Zachary passed away this morning. He was surrounded by his sisters, brother, parents and girlfriend. We love him dearly.”
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