Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
7 Mar 2014
7 Mar 2014

Governor-General Designate General Peter Cosgrove AC MC CNZM
Around 200 parliamentarians and faith leaders from a number of denominations joined Governor-General Designate, General Peter Cosgrove at the inaugural NSW Interfaith Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast this week.
The Breakfast was inaugurated by Australian Catholic University (ACU) where General Cosgrove was the Chancellor until his recent appointment.
While parliamentary prayer breakfasts have been an agenda item for some time across Australia, interfaith breakfasts are rare.
ACU's first one on Thursday attracted representatives from 24 different faith denominations.
Guests were welcomed by Prof Greg Craven, the Vice-Chancellor, Australian Catholic University which is the largest Catholic university in the English-speaking world.

Bishop Peter Comensoli, Sydney Catholic Archdiocese
Prof Craven said he hoped the event provided a chance to demonstrate "our mission in action, namely to foster an appreciation of the sacred life" and a commitment to serving the common good.
"We hope this parliamentary prayer breakfast presents parliamentarians of all parties with the opportunity to join with leaders of different faiths to pray for wise deliberations over the coming parliamentary year," Prof Craven said.
The Deputy NSW Premier, Andrew Stoner and NSW Opposition Leader, John Robertson, along with a number of politicians from both the major parties attended the breakfast.
Representatives from some of the faith groups read a prayer before the address by General Cosgrove.
General Cosgrove said he was honoured to address a gathering with a unity of purpose.

His Grace, Bishop Daniel, Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions
He said; "This morning involve a sense of community and sharing where we can declare our common spirit, resolve and faith."
The Governor-General Designate said faith can take different forms and related some of his experiences and those of the men and women in the defence forces. He spoke of loyalty and values and faith in a higher being, acknowledging the many different faiths represented in the room.
"The fundamental aspect of our society in Australia is our diversity of individuals. Our similarities are stronger than our differences.
"We have a great generosity of spirit. We are inclusive in our diversity, and we believe in something called a 'fair go'".
The Archdiocese of Sydney representatives at the breakfast included the Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Peter Comonsoli and the Director of the Commission for Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations Dr Giovanni Farquer, RSJ

NSW Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner

Venerable Dr Juewei, Head Priest, Nan Tien Temple