According to a report in the Vatican paper, L’Osservatore Romano, many members of the group, which included several rabbis, imams and priests, have known the Pope since he was Cardinal Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires. They had collaborated with him in inter-religious dialogue and worked with him on a number of joint social and charitable projects aimed at helping people in difficult situations.
The group said they wanted to express their friendship and spiritual closeness to the Pope by ending their pilgrimage in Rome so they could meet with the Holy Father offer him their best wishes for his ministry and for his own upcoming trip to the Holy Land.
The hour-long meeting in the Vatican was described as one of “great cordiality” and was also attended by Cardinals Kurt Koch, President of the Commission for Religious Relations with Jews , and Jean -Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue .
Text from Vatican Radio website