On this Feast, the Holy Father said, our gaze turns to the “beauty of the Mother of Jesus, our Mother!” It is with great joy, he continued, that the Church contemplates the words of Saint Luke “full of grace” (Lk 1:28). Mary, moreover, guides us as we journey towards Christmas, teaching us “how to live this time of Advent waiting for the Lord.” Pope Francis went on to say that the Immaculate Conception was inscribed in God’s plan; it was the fruit of God’s love whereby the world was saved.
After leading the crowds in Saint Peter’s Square in praying the Angelus, the Pope expressed spiritual closeness to the Church in North America, which is celebrating the 350th anniversary of its first parish: Notre-Dame de Québec.
The Holy Father concluded his Angelus address by wishing everyone a happy feast of Our Lady, and a good lunch.
Text from page http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2013/12/08/angelus:_immaculate_conception_fruit_of_god%E2%80%99s_love/en1-753870
of the Vatican Radio website