Dear brothers and sisters,
Before concluding this celebration, I would like to greet you all and thank you for your participation, especially the catechists come from so many parts of the world.
A special greeting to my brother, His Beatitude Youhanna X, greek orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. His presence invites us to pray once again for peace in Syria and the Middle East.
I greet the pilgrims who have come from Assisi on horseback, as well as the Italian Alpine Club, on the 150th anniversary of its founding.
Saludo con afecto a los peregrinos de Nicaragua, recordando que los pastores y fieles de esa querida Nación celebran con alegría el centenario de la fundación canónica de la Provincia eclesiástica. [I greet with affection the pilgrims from Nicaragua, recalling that the pastors and the faithful of that beloved nation are celebrating with joy the hundredth anniversary of the canonical foundation of their Ecclesiastical Province.]
With joy we recall that yesterday, in Croatia, Miroslav Bulešić, a diocesan priest, who was martyred in 1947, was beatified. We praise the Lord, who gives the defenseless the strength to offer the ultimate witness.