Brazil may prove to be a showcase for the powers of this humble Pope and the fresh face he is putting on the ancient papacy. In this, the most populous of Catholic countries on the most Catholic of continents, he faces in microcosm the challenges the church is confronted with around the world: the magnetism of Protestant evangelism and the temptations of secular culture. And it is in this enormous Latin American nation that the Pope of the poor may just begin to have the destabilizing influence that John Paul II had in Eastern Europe: to turn the tide against the rivals of the church and re-establish its primacy in places where it once held incontestable sway.(Image source: GOOGLE/ TIME/SPAZIANI/VEASEY )
(Read the Time article at: http://world.time.com/2013/07/18/cover-story-a-pope-for-the-poor/#ixzz2ZeCn4N8C)