PROLIFE BOOK is an alternative to many mainstream social networking sites. It celebrates 5 years in social networking and has thousands of members. 
PROLIFEBOOK.COM ABOUT: World Life is a Christian-Prolife ministry. We at World Life believe that every abortion takes the life of an innocent human being and wounds the mothers who are often victims as well. Given that there are more than 50 million abortions performed annually world wide, abortion is arguably the greatest injustice in the history of mankind.

Doing our best to “be as wise as serpents and gentle as doves”, World Life engages in creative, high impact prolife activism through projects that are aimed at revealing the amazing world of prenatal development and exposing the horror of abortion. World Life collaborates with prolife groups worldwide to carry out these projects.

World Life also provides cutting edge technology and tools to enable networking and collaboration for the prolife movement. These tools equip the prolife movement with resources, content and training for reaching the world with a powerful prolife message.
It is a matter of objective fact that abortion is an act of violence against an innocent human being. The evidence of this is incontravertible. But this evidence is often covered up and hidden. At World Life we believe that the facts about prenatal development and the facts about abortion are the prolife movement’s most powerful facts for persuasion to a prolife position. Until the world sees who the baby is and what abortion is, the baby will continue to be an abstraction to most and abortion will be considered a nominal evil at best. As Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life says, “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.”
At World Life we believe that women are victims of the abortion industry and that abortion is misogynistic at its core. Gender selection abortion has become so prevalent throughout the world that there are literally millions of baby girls that have been killed simply because their gender was less desirable. Women are often forced or pressured into abortion. Facts and information are often withheld from women who would otherwise carry their baby to term if they were only given the facts and information.

If we do not reveal those facts then who will? We at World Life believe that abortion, by God’s grace, can someday be made unthinkable. Please join us in this fight.

We condemn abortion-related violence in all forms.

JOIN PROLIFEBOOK TODAYhttp://www.prolifebook.com 


Bill Samuel said…
The site is now defunct.