Unusual scene on the Domaine |
Staff and teams of volunteers have been working round the clock to clean up the shrine in Lourdes after last week's devastating floods. On Friday evening, Mass was celebrated at the Basilica of the Rosary and a Marian torchlight procession took place in the evening, on a slightly altered course to enable cleaning operations to take place.
Father Horacio Brito, Rector of the Sanctuary of Lourdes announced that the Grotto was due to be reopened on Saturday afternoon for the Rosary. A note on the Lourdes website invited pilgrims to come and pray at the Grotto of Massabielle.
The prefect's office for the Pyrenees-Atlantiques region confirmed on Saturday that the floodwaters are receding but over the weekend many roads remained closed and some residents were still unable to return to their homes.
The underground Basilica of Saint Pius X, which can normally host up to 25,000 pilgrims, is still partly flooded, with its floor covered by mud.
Just eight months months ago, freak floods caused an estimated 1.3 million euros in damages to Lourdes. The clean-up operation this time is expected to be much more costly. Officials said 37 hotels in the town have been badly damaged by the floods and will not be able to re-open for several months.
SEE : http://jceworld.blogspot.ca/2013/06/flooding-in-lourdes-closes-shrine-to.html
If you would like to make a donation to help the Sanctuary of Lourdes deal with the damage caused by the floods, please send a cheque made out to the Association Diocésaine de Tarbes et Lourdes to:
Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Lourdes Solidarité Inondations 2013 1, avenue Monseigneur Théas 65108 LOURDES Cedex
Make a gift online here: http://en.lourdes-france.org/gift-online |