Beijing (AsiaNews / Agencies) - A newborn flushed down the toilet as soon as he was born, has been rescued by firefighters who wrenched open the sewer pipe on hearing his screams. "Fortunately, the baby survived - says a policeman on - but the person who abandoned him is suspected of murder."
The incident occurred in Jinhua (Zhejiang). Two days ago, some residents on the fourth floor of a house, heard the cries of the small child coming from the sewer tube and they called the fire department. After several unsuccessful attempts, firefighters cut a section of the tube a length of 30-40cm and took him to the hospital, where together with the doctors, using saws and pliers, they gradually freed the infant, still wrapped in the placenta and with the umbilical cord attached
The baby is thought to be only two or three days old and has some slight injuries and a slow heartbeat. He is now in an incubator and his condition is said to be stable.
The person responsible for having flushed him down the toilet is still unknown. According to internet comments, these cases are frequent in births outside of marriage or because of the one-child law. The families who already have a child, to avoid paying exorbitant fines required by the ministry for population control, prefer to remove or abandon infants. The ministry boasts that from the end of the 1970s until today, thanks to the one-child policy, it has prevented the birth of approximately 400 million children, often through forced abortions and sterilizations.