JCE NEWS: BABY rescued from toilet pipe is now released from hospital, in stable condition, and living with his grandparents. Zhejiang, the 22-year old mother says that the baby fell by accident. She reported the screaming and went with police to find the child. The police have not laid any charges and released the mother. The father has been found and is undergoing a paternity test. In China there is a one child policy and over 35, 000 babies are aborted daily. One needs a permit to have a child.
The woman confessed to being the mother of the baby only two days later when police asked her to undergo a medical test, after finding some toys in her room and toilet paper stained with blood.
The girl confessed to having hidden her pregnancy because she could not afford an abortion. She told police that the baby slipped down the toilet at the time of delivery. It is unclear whether she will be prosecuted for attempted murder.
The news and the video of the rescue of the little one have gone viral globally and has attracted a lot of criticism, but also compassion in China. Jinhua Hospital has been inundated with people bringing gifts and necessities for the baby including milk powder, diapers, clothes for babies.
So far he has no name, just a number, " Child No. 59", and his condition is stable.