Catholic Communications, Sydney Archdiocese,
12 Mar 2013
12 Mar 2013
Numbers praying for the unborn continue to increase during Lenten vigil
Each year during the 40 days for Life Lenten prayer vigil on the corner opposite Surry Hills' Preterm Foundation, Sydney's oldest and best-known abortion clinic, at least four or five women rethink their decision to end their pregnancies. What is more rare is someone who works at the Clinic quitting their job and deciding that no matter how much their family needs the income, they can no longer be party to the killing of one more unborn child.
But last week, this is exactly what happened when a Nurse Assistant at the abortion clinic, Erica* - whose name has been changed to protect her privacy - spent a morning at Mass and then after wrestling with the decision for more than a week, telephoned the Preterm Foundation and informed them she would not be coming back.
"When she approached our prayer group keeping vigil opposite the Clinic three weeks ago, she was extremely distressed. She'd had no idea when the agency with which she was registered placed her at the Foundation that it was an abortion clinic," says Paul Hanrahan, Executive Director of Family Life International (FLI) and one of the organisers of the city's annual 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil.
At 25 years old, Erica is mother to a lively five-year old son, who started school last month. Both she and her husband are from Nigeria and it was there where she originally trained and practiced as a Nurse Assistant. Then two years ago, after the family arrived in Australia, she enrolled at TAFE where she studied and obtained Australian qualifications as a Nurse Assistant so she could continue in a career she loved. Enrolling with an agency, Erica found placements as a Nurse Assistant in nursing homes, aged care facilities, medical practices and health clinics.
Our Lady and a Rosary are part of the 40 Days for Life Lenten Vigil opposite the Surry Hills Preterm Abortion Clinic
But until last month, she had never been placed let alone worked in an abortion clinic.
As a Catholic, a devoted wife and mother and a strong believer in life, the abortions she witnessed disturbed her greatly.
"She told me that at first she was just supposed to be on hand sterilising instruments and not in the theatre where abortions are performed. But soon she was being asked to go into the theatre and manipulate an ultrasound wand on a woman's stomach so the doctor knew exactly where the unborn infant was before he began the abortion," Paul relates and says the doctor ordered her to 'press harder'... 'Press harder' with the wand so he could see the baby more clearly on the screen before cutting short the life of the unborn infant.
"She'd only been at the Clinic a week and was desperate to leave. But she had been placed there by the agency and was convinced if she left that would be the last job they would ever find for her," Paul explains.
Like many families, even on two incomes Erica and her husband were battling to make ends meet.
Her husband worked long hours in a factory and Erica's job as a Nurse Assistant brought in much needed income and if she left, she knew the family would not have enough to pay their rent or bills let alone any little extras for their small son.
Paul Hanrahan of Family Life International holds an icon of Our Lady
"When she approached the first time, she told me how unhappy she was at the clinic but didn't know what to do," Paul says. "I gave her my card and said we would help her, and told her to call me so we could talk and she could talk with one of our counsellors. I heard nothing for a week then she suddenly appeared beside me and said she had lost my card. I gave her another one and that's when she did call and we set up a meeting with myself and Maria Campos , one of our counsellors at FLI."
They arranged to meet the following week and on a Wednesday, a day when no abortions are performed at the clinic, the three met. This was when Paul and Maria discussed with Erica the different ways they could help and how FLI and Helpers of God's Precious Infants would support her financially, paying her the salary she had earned at Preterm, until she found a new nursing placement.
They also said they'd help her find a new job.
"So if anyone knows of a position for a dedicated, compassionate and hardworking Nurse Assistant please let me know or put the word out," he says.
The day after the meeting Erica, knowing she had support and help of those who cared, went to Mass, prayed to God and convinced this was the right and only decision, found the courage to quit.
"Even though Erica and her family are struggling, her husband agrees with her decision to leave her job at Preterm. Like Erica, he believes in the sanctity of life and sees abortion and the killing of the unborn as a terrible evil," says Paul.
Surry Hills Preterm Foundation the city's oldest and best known abortion clinic
Two days later Paul and Maria at FLI received an email from Erica saying: "I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. I have learned so much from you both and my family will be forever grateful to you and your wonderful team. I pray the good Lord will give you and your team the strength to continue your goods works. Erica."
For all those involved with the 40 Days for Life Lenten Prayer Vigil as well as with Helpers of God's Precious Infants, who continue this vigil every day throughout the year, the story of Erica brings renewed hope that one day abortion may be halted and no longer seen as a solution to an unexpected pregnancy or the last resort for desperate women.
*When Erica finds a new placement and recovers from her trauma of seeing infants terminated, she has agreed to speak with Catholic Communications and tell her story using her own name and speak about the emotions and what it was like to work in a clinic where many hundreds of abortions are performed each month.