WASHINGTON—Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), congratulates the newly elected pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina. (IMAGE SOURCE : GOOGLE)
"Pope Francis stands as the figure of unity for all Catholics wherever they reside. The bishops of the United States and the people of our 195 dioceses offer prayers for our new leader and promise allegiance to him," Cardinal Dolan said. "Intense prayer from all around the world surrounded the election of Pope Francis. The bishops of the United States thank God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the inspired choice of the College of Cardinals."
Cardinal Bergoglio, 76, was elevated to the College of Cardinals on February 21, 2001, in Rome. He was born on December 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires. Ordained a priest for the Jesuits in 1969, he was ordained a bishop in 1992. He was appointed coadjutor archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1997, succeeding Cardinal Antonio Quarracino on February 28, 1998.
Pope Francis becomes the 266th pope in the history of the Catholic Church, and the 265th successor of St. Peter.
Full text of the statement follows:
Statement on the election of Pope Francis
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York
President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
March 13, 2013
The election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has taken the name Francis, marks a great milestone in our church. As successor to Peter, our first pope, Pope Francis stands as the figure of unity for all Catholics wherever they reside. The bishops of the United States and the people of our 195 dioceses offer prayers for our new leader and promise allegiance to him.
Intense prayer from all around the world surrounded the election of Pope Francis. The bishops of the United States thank God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the inspired choice of the College of Cardinals.
With joy in our hearts, we declare "Ad Multos Annos!" (For many years!)
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.